Example sentences of "[am/are] [verb] [art] right [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The specialists are then much easier to satisfy — providing they are given the right kind of food , they are content to sit and stare out from their cages , much as they would sit and stare out at their wild landscapes .
2 It also ensures that all outcomes are covered by the assessments and are given the right emphasis , whether the assessment is knowledge-based or practical , achieved in the workplace or in a classroom .
3 But experience has shown that it is possible to create elite , high-calibre long-term support teams if they are given the right leadership and training , an attractive physical environment to work from , good pay and conditions of service and , crucially , a set of realistic objectives about what they are trying to achieve .
4 Oriental rugs need room to breathe , and unless they are given the right amount of space they can either be swamped by the surrounding decor or become so overpowering that they detract from everything else in the room .
5 It is therefore vital that they are given the right sort of care , so they can grow up to be well developed and strong physically , mentally alert , contented and emotionally stable .
6 Look down and check that you are handling the right lever before moving it to the DOWN position .
7 Here 's an end to worrying about totting up the calories in food and wondering whether you are eating the right thing .
8 So you 're catching the right amount of wax onto the outside of the thread .
9 It 's very likely to turn some of these children themselves into sort of er mutant monsters , er some of them behave extraordinarily badly , and yet they 're very sweet children when they 're eating the right diet .
10 Are you sure we 're going the right way ? ’
11 erm and , and trying to er er both satisfy yourself and them that , that you know you 're getting the right sort of experience .
12 How can you be sure that you 're providing the right environment for your fish ?
13 You may feel rather unsure of what you want in life mid-June , Capricorn , but by the end of the month , you will know that you 're doing the right thing !
14 ‘ Hope we 're doing the right thing , ’ he whispered .
15 So what I was wondering was er the scheme is in it 's infancy this and I 'm all in the favour of the decentralising in principle , but I think we ought to perhaps look at it a bit closer , and I would suggest that we have an up-to-date report at the next meeting of this committee so we can compare it over a longer term so , as that we might then reflect on a if we 're doing the right thing or not .
16 She said as she entered , ‘ My dears … ’ in a very English fashion , and she said all the usual phrases , and then to me , ‘ I hope you 're doing the right thing . ’
17 I hope they 're doing the right thing .
18 So I believe we 're doing the right thing , I think it 's for the good of the country I think it 's for the good of the company and the shareholders .
19 ‘ I hope we 're doing the right thing , Doctor , ’ she said .
20 But , we 're doing the right thing for
21 The draught from that 's , yeah so you 're not sure whether you 're doing the right thing or not
22 You think you 're doing the right thing by eating olive oil pure oils but
23 and we can sing them and , feel that we 're doing the right thing and go our way but Lord we pray that the words we sing might be the words that we means , and the words that we say might be the things and the , the way we mean to conduct our lives .
24 I mean we hope we 're doing the right thing , and as I say the response we 're getting seems to indicate that , but we have not erm followed through each of we have a large number of participants every year , you see , in the order of about erm a hundred and fifty each year , so very difficult for you to try and follow through the fate of each of them .
25 ‘ You 're making a right fool of yourself , are n't you ? ’
26 He 's convinced though they are heading the right way .
27 ‘ It 's awfully wild , ’ she said , ‘ but you are going the right way ’ — she was proceeding east and going into the storm at the time — and she thanked me for opening the gate .
28 Local authorities must be sure they are providing the right care for children , and with increasing pressure on budgets they must know the money is well spent .
29 At least accident should occur so I 'm asking for a review of those to see if we ha we are buying the right vehicle or not .
30 Our technique is to make customers feel relaxed and make them feel they are buying the right car for their needs . ’
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