Example sentences of "[Wh det] include [noun pl] for the " in BNC.

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1 John and Stephanie used a kit home , which included plans for the traditional Scottish tower .
2 A local authority scheme which included plans for the abolition of certain grammar schools was altered following a local election at which the party in power changed from Labour to Conservative .
3 The 1966 congress of the CPNI adopted a ‘ Democratic Programme for Unity ’ , which included demands for the electoral law in Northern Ireland to be brought into line with that in Britain , except for the reintroduction of proportional representation and the abolition of cash deposits by candidates .
4 At a meeting with Yeltsin on Nov. 3 , Civic Union 's representatives presented its " anti-crisis " economic programme [ see p. 39108 ] which included demands for the resignation of several prominent reformist ministers .
5 Order 17 , r 11 applies to any fixed date action ( and any default action ) except those listed in r 11(1) , which include actions for the recovery of land , rent actions and actions arising out of a regulated consumer credit agreement .
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