Example sentences of "[Wh det] gave him a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It is not open to Mr Tillson subsequently to say that he had no need of a tenancy of the occupied land because he already had a possessory title which gave him a freehold interest in that land …
2 He persuaded Indian princes to fund the East India Association ( 1866 ) which gave him a platform for his campaign to open the Indian Civil Service to Indians and for publicizing his ‘ drain theory ’ , which presented British rule as a drain on the financial resources of India .
3 We bought him and his friends a drink which gave him a chance to quiz us on our movements for the next day .
4 Since his win in 1987 , Swindon has grown , changing the complexion of a town which gave him a majority ofjust 5,000 .
5 It was simply their headquarters where they came to trade , where they came to er perhaps attend law courts but particularly where the prior of came when he came to do services at the Minster because he was a canon of York as well as being canon or the parish of Bramham which gave him a seat in the Cathedral .
6 It was the experimental air fields which gave him a taste for exploring ideas which he later satisfied by joining a university ; it was the German language which brought him his wife Mary ( they met through a German class in Bristol ) .
7 Moreover , he was recently married to Earl William 's sister , which gave him a family claim to an interest in the children and their estates .
8 He began by saying how glad he was to be in Europe again , which gave him an opportunity to outline some of the developments taking place in other regions of the world , and to describe the next phase in the development of the world car .
9 He travelled widely , usually for reasons of health , which gave him an opportunity to observe the habits of British tourists .
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