Example sentences of "[Wh det] gave [pers pn] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 She found some reconstituted milk and some no-brand krill , which gave her a bowlful of mush to eat while the old kettle boiled .
2 The next plane was smaller still , which gave her a qualm or two , but the journey was correspondingly shorter , and in next to no time she was disembarking at Grand Cayman 's airport .
3 She had agreed to have a drink with the deputy head of the English department after work , which gave her a bit of time .
4 Gradually she reentered the real world , manifested in the small noises of the night , the moan of the wind in the chimneys , the smoothness of the sheet in her clutching hands , the unnaturally loud ticking of her watch and , above all , in that oblong of pale light , the open casement and the drawn curtains which gave her a view of the faintly luminous star-studded sky .
5 In the light of Point Two , Russia was deprived of the sliver of territory which gave her a toe-hold on the Danube .
6 Fighting to control her ragged breathing , Laura gazed at his expressionless face , which gave her no clue to what he was thinking as he regarded her intently from beneath his heavy eyelids .
7 Such as his momentous climb about Inter 's Colloveti in the Milan derby which gave them a goal to savour in that frenzied city .
8 Brittan was also opposed by the Dutch Commissioner , Frans Andriessen , when investigations were launched into the merger of two Dutch coffee companies , Douwe Egberts and Van Nelle in 1988 , which gave them a 70% market share of the Benelux countries .
9 Beside giving them access to a number of secret SimFic files — files which gave them the location of several special projects Berdichev had instigated — they had also contained several items of particular interest .
10 Her Black Sea fleet had by this time been destroyed , the allies had landed not only in the Crimea but also at Nikolaev to the west and Novorossiisk to the east , and the Turks retained a position at Sukhumi which gave them the chance of counter-attacking in the direction of Tiflis .
11 Publication of the Crofting Forestry Handbook follows last year 's Crofter Forestry ( Scotland ) Act , which gave them the chance to plant trees on common grazings .
12 The buyers rejected them but , before doing so , obtained from an Italian court a sequestration order which gave them the right to detain the goods against payment of damages .
13 Deliberately nurtured as an élite destined to man the upper reaches of the State , they developed a sense of their own importance and dignity which gave them the confidence to question the conventions of Tsarist society .
14 Yet far from ensuring loyalty to the status quo , their elevated position developed in them a sense of their own importance and dignity which gave them the confidence to question the conventions of tsarist society .
15 In March 1961 the Mirror Group bought Odhams , which gave them the People and 51 per cent of the Daily Herald .
16 Their expressions were drained of personality which gave them the family resemblance possessed by a flock of sheep .
17 It is not open to Mr Tillson subsequently to say that he had no need of a tenancy of the occupied land because he already had a possessory title which gave him a freehold interest in that land …
18 He persuaded Indian princes to fund the East India Association ( 1866 ) which gave him a platform for his campaign to open the Indian Civil Service to Indians and for publicizing his ‘ drain theory ’ , which presented British rule as a drain on the financial resources of India .
19 We bought him and his friends a drink which gave him a chance to quiz us on our movements for the next day .
20 Since his win in 1987 , Swindon has grown , changing the complexion of a town which gave him a majority ofjust 5,000 .
21 It was simply their headquarters where they came to trade , where they came to er perhaps attend law courts but particularly where the prior of came when he came to do services at the Minster because he was a canon of York as well as being canon or the parish of Bramham which gave him a seat in the Cathedral .
22 It was the experimental air fields which gave him a taste for exploring ideas which he later satisfied by joining a university ; it was the German language which brought him his wife Mary ( they met through a German class in Bristol ) .
23 Moreover , he was recently married to Earl William 's sister , which gave him a family claim to an interest in the children and their estates .
24 Fabbio did his homework among the downsizing-bent corporates which gave him the idea for Dazel : exploit the need for managing information in the network environment and give them instantaneous links to fax , printers , voice and E-mail .
25 But it was the patronage of Sir John Coke [ q.v. ] , one of the principal secretaries of state from 1625 to 1639 , which lay behind his rise to complete control of foreign and domestic posts in the 1630s ; and it was that achievement which gave him the opportunity both to create a new postal service and to acquire an estate in Essex worth £800 a year .
26 His works were on a small scale until in 1823 he became engineer for the Difference Engine project of Charles Babbage [ q.v. ] , which gave him the opportunity to build highly accurate large machine tools for his workshop , the best known of which was his large planing machine , built in 1831 .
27 FURIOUS Nigel Mansell ended his Formula One career yesterday with a blast at the team which gave him the World Drivers ' Championship .
28 To him , they were something of an adventure , a small knock at the system which gave him the illusion of individual importance .
29 In November , he was given ‘ emergency powers ’ , which gave him the right to issue legally binding decrees and appoint people to any government post without reference to the Supreme Russian Soviet .
30 In preparation for the Congress , the standing parliament , the Supreme Soviet , demanded that constitutional changes be made by the Congress to allow the legislature more control over the government , since President Boris Yeltsin 's emergency powers , granted by the fifth ( extraordinary ) Congress in October 1991 [ see p. 38537 ] , which gave him the right to appoint the government , were due to expire .
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