Example sentences of "[Wh det] [pron] saw [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 My periods , which had always been topsy-turvy and which I saw as a real indicator of health and wellbeing , settled into a reliable pattern .
2 It 's been known for a very long time that from these cases you can isolate this organism C diphtheria bacterium which you saw in the practical classes and has this distinctive stayed property where er certain granules can be stayed up and also the arrangement of the cells is rather reminiscent of what called Chinese lettering .
3 Elizabeth Blackwell , the pioneer woman doctor , in The Human Element in Sex ( 1885 ) , rejected Acton 's denial of female sexuality , which she saw as an ‘ immense spiritual force of attraction …
4 Those lucky teachers who came under Basil 's guidance were helped to be more creative themselves and to bring out creativity in their children with the amazing results which we saw in the West Riding schools .
5 In 1811 the Luddites rioted and destroyed the textile machinery which they saw as a direct threat to their jobs .
6 The regular , monotonous monastic discipline gave the monks a peace and equanimity which they saw as a tranquil experience of God which was fully in tune with their normal lives .
7 The Die-hards were opposed to the rise of a socialist Labour party and militant trade unionism , which they saw as a revolutionary threat to property and the stability of British society .
8 That is to say , all seized on an element of structural and formal strength in his work , which they saw as a corrective to the formlessness which had characterized so much French painting since the Impressionists had insisted on the validity of an instantaneous form of vision , that had so often dissolved the solidity of the material world into a haze of atmospheric colour and light .
9 Herr Kohl acknowledged that the far Right was gaining support from people opposed to the EC 's Maastricht agreement , which they saw as an anti-nationalist pact to give up the Deutschemark .
10 In 1951 Burgess and Maclean fled to Moscow ; Aneurin Bevan and Harold Wilson resigned from the Labour government in protest at the imposition of charges within the National Health Service , which they saw as an attack on the principles of the Welfare State .
11 When they had heard the king , they departed ; and lo , the star , which they saw in the east , went before them , till it came and stood over where the young child was .
12 This plot gave expression to one of Asimov 's pet hates , ‘ pseudo-science ’ , which he saw as a threat to liberty .
13 When he looked back upon his short time at the Choir School of King 's College , it was the meeting with Milner-White which he saw as the memorable gift from the school .
14 Lévi-Strauss had already described the fundamental structure of society and language in terms of the exchange of women , which he saw as the basis of all exchange :
15 While he continued to raise the spectre of a return to German hegemony , his new policy ( voiced for the first time at Bordeaux in September 1949 ) revolved around a Franco-German entente , which he saw as the basis for a European confederation .
16 The discontinuity with religion which he saw as the dilemma of modern art he takes for granted , and even a cursory knowledge of twentieth-century art confirms this .
17 Western observers commented that Gorbachev was apparently looking to religion to help provide the spiritual renewal which he saw as an essential part of perestroika .
18 When 1951 ended he could justifiably let rip in more frivolous fashion on ‘ Huntin' , Shootin' and Fishin' ’ decorations for the Chelsea Arts Ball at which he saw in the new year .
19 He simply wished that he did n't have to contend with the unspoken supposition that the two of them were hiding up there on the Step and banging away like a couple of baboons , which he saw in the eyes of more than one person who wished him good morning when he went into town to pick up his mail .
20 He wrote a few letters on my behalf and I just did n't think he was for me because of what I saw at the time .
21 I would still want to be able to see and buy items of equipment , not to do so would be an opportunity wasted , but I can to my machinery stocklist to see most of what I saw at the show .
22 Now I know what I saw on the bridge ! ’
23 She has n't yet been told what I saw on the sonogram by the way .
24 I tell you what I saw on the telly this morning .
25 Stooping , what I saw of the valley were glimpses of a richly farmed landscape and a dark brown river , all imbued with a hazy crepuscular Tuscan light .
26 From what I saw of the match he played well .
27 But like what I saw of the women , they looked alright to me .
28 ‘ The company had a very cosy club atmosphere , which I found quite difficult to cope with in terms of what I saw as a lack of professionalism . ’
29 I had been what I saw as a stop-gap anchor-man for Report , the teatime news programme , for less than eighteen months .
30 ‘ But what I saw as the character and what they the writers saw did n't match up at all . ’
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