Example sentences of "[be] expect [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 As in the Z2 Carbonate , a belt of good porosity might be expected at the edge of the platform where a continuous sequence of oolites is though to be present .
2 Leopold 's letters to his wife reveal much about what could be expected on the journey and from them one gains the impression that he did most of the planning for these trips :
3 The fall in late-life fecundity was much smaller in crosses between ‘ r' lines , showing that the genetic basis of selection response differed between them , and that senescence had evolved by accumulation of partially recessive deleterious alleles , which would not be expected on the optimization theory .
4 But in inner-city areas , car ownership is lower than would be expected on the basis of affluence , given both the very small average household size and the better availability of public transport .
5 Surveying reports on the relevant customary behaviour in 350 separate ‘ societies ’ , Tylor was able to demonstrate that , when the newlyweds set up house with the wife 's kin , avoidance behaviour between the latter and the husband occurred more frequently than could be expected on the basis of mere chance .
6 During 1963–83 and 1984–90 the incidence of malignant disease , particularly lymphoid leukaemia and non-Hodgkin lymphomas , in young people aged 0–24 in Seascale was higher than would be expected on the basis of either national rates or those for the surrounding areas .
7 This is perhaps to be expected of the man who is executive director of Mensa , traditionally know as the brainy people 's organisation .
8 It describes the performance that can be expected of the system .
9 The view might be held that s3 has no application to such a clause , because s3 only applies to clauses under which the proferens purports to be entitled to a performance diffferent from that reasonably expected , whereas the effect of the clause quoted above is to define the performance which may reasonably be expected of the seller , so that the buyer can not reasonably expect any particular delivery date .
10 Johnson 's qualities of superbly robust commonsense , coupled with the differentiation of minute subtleties to be expected of the lexicographer , are well suited to the investigator of crime .
11 The questions which our proposal can usefully address are : ( i ) Will it lead to any discriminating predictions about observable data which differ from what would be expected under the assumption that postnominals are simply normal attributive adjectives ? ( ii ) How might our claim relate to the characteristics of postnominal attributives discussed in Sections 3.5 to 3.7 ? ( iii ) Can it cast any light in particular on the fact that only a subset of adjectives can occur as postnominal attributives ?
12 This was to be expected with the land being the main basic ingredient in the viability of the business .
13 One of the more commonly used methods of sales forecasting is to obtain from salesforce personnel and sales managers their combined view of sales to be expected during the forecast period .
14 Among the non-negotiable events to be expected during the decade are earthquakes .
15 This further sharp decline in profitability , following on that of earlier years , and taking profits to levels well below those which had come to be expected during the boom , is the key to the sustained sluggishness of accumulation in the latter half of the 1970s and the early 1980s .
16 Decreasing COHb values led to a slight increase of SpO , as would be expected by the formula SpO= ( OHb+0.9COHb ) /total Hb100% , according to Tremper and Barker .
17 However , prior to the Act taking effect , Colleges were effectively underwritten by the LEA , and an input of additional finance could normally be expected in the event of major shortfalls , compensating for any underlying inequality in the system .
18 Is such a level of reliability and degree of assurance now going to be expected in the preparation and audit of annual accounts ?
19 Lord Coulsfield said : ‘ In my view the use which is established by the evidence is as great as might be expected in the exercise of a public right .
20 This association is to be expected in the light of the composition of this factor , which includes ‘ threat ’ as one of its components .
21 The restaurant manager has to know the estimated number of guests to be expected in the restaurant and in order to prepare the meals the chef needs to be informed of any special requirements .
22 We are frequently reminded by the media and by professionals of various kinds of the size of the increase which is to be expected in the number of those aged over 75 or 85 years by the end of the century .
23 Finally , it is necessary for the standardisation sample to be sufficiently large to provide a fair reflection of the variation to be expected in the population .
24 Should teachers at school , like professors at university , be expected in the future simply to teach academic or practical subjects to their pupils , and to have no general pastoral or moral responsibility for them ?
25 Chapman , said the Yorkshire Post , was ‘ slowly but surely evolving a set of players from whom much may be expected in the future ’ .
26 More flexible pricing can be expected in the future .
27 Gales of force eight gusting to storm force ten can be expected in the area well after dawn . ’
28 But while this ‘ violence ’ is to be expected within the family , it 's not acceptable when your child does it to other children she encounters .
29 As is to be expected from the work of such notable craftsman .
30 We want to know precisely what funds the trust handles , where those funds are , and what regular income might be expected from the capital sum . ’
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