Example sentences of "[be] able [to-vb] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Look forward to the time when you rocking horse is all finished and you will be able to stand back and watch your children or grandchildren happily riding this beautiful heirloom that you have created , and you will be able to say with pride and satisfaction , ‘ I made that . ’
2 Only if you do that will you be able to say with confidence that I am wrong , that what I am suggesting has not yet come to pass , that there is still time .
3 The forensic serologist will be able to say with certainty where the blood came from , even with a dried stain .
4 When we are dealing with the structure plan for which there is no local plan in force , we have a new problem which is that , owing to the diagrammatic nature of the plans , no one will be able to say with certainty that this does or does not affect the claimant 's property , but that nevertheless , because of that very uncertainty , a wider number of properties may be affected .
5 The idea is that a user of Ardis , presently the largest wireless network and equally owned by Motorola and IBM Corp , would for example be able to talk to RAM Mobile Data users , says Reuter .
6 To be able to sit in silence with his father , without any need to make conversation — so relaxed together that he can sit there licking his finger and wiping marks off the telephone !
7 The general or ‘ philosophical ’ curriculum that I advocate would be based on a single principle : that the less narrowly a child 's critical faculties are confined within the bounds of a single set of concepts or procedures , the more easily he will be able to adapt to life after school , whether at work or in higher education , and the more free his imagination will become ; these two targets in fact being one and the same .
8 However , since access to lexical items appears to be at least partly an automatic process in which words are accessed as a result of unplanned factors ( such as prior mention by the present speaker or an earlier speaker ) , it seems plausible to suggest that the production system should be able to adapt in order to incorporate automatically accessed lexical items into current constituents .
9 The implementation of the National Health Service Act will give further encouragement to the private sector since private health care companies will be able to bid for District Health Authority contracts , and for the provision of clinical services to the patients of GPs who are managing their own budgets .
10 Outstanding institutions like Napier will soon be able to confer its own degrees and from September Napier 's students will be able to claim with pride , on completing their courses , that they are graduates from Napier University . ’
11 The walk meant he would be able to claim in future that he had promenaded on the Promenade des Anglais .
12 It will be able to draw on material and expertise from Murdoch 's American TV Guide , which has a stranglehold on the US market .
13 Thus , without prior agreement , they may not disclose confidential information to their backers as this could damage the business of the company and affect the price which the vendors may be able to obtain for their shares ; they may not be able to vote at board meetings on major issues affecting the company if those issues might adversely affect a possible management buy-out ; and they can not involve any of their colleagues in the buy-out or persuade staff to become involved .
14 Demands for a cutback in Scottish MP numbers are fuelled by criticism of the fact that they would be able to vote on English and Welsh matters while MPs from England and Wales would not be able to vote on such matters in Scotland .
15 As long as there is a good reason why you will not be able to vote in person on election day you can apply to vote by post or proxy .
16 Ask the electoral registration officer for an application form ( RPF9 ) as soon as an election has been announced and you know that you will not be able to vote in person .
17 Here one of them sacrifices for the other : both have trouble falling asleep , and their partner 's noisy breath wakes them ; so they wriggle towards the edge of the bed , leaving a broad space down the middle ; they pretend to be sound asleep , in the hope of making sleep easier for their partner , who will then be able to turn from side to side without disturbing the other .
18 I 've got the word count from each one I 'll be able to sort of tot up and tell you when to stop collecting from that area .
19 What basically emerges from the planning point of view is the number of objectives that need to be considered in terms of pupil performance — not only what he will be able to do at completion ( on which educational technologists have understandably concentrated ) but also what he will have to be able to do in the process .
20 What will new technology be able to do for history teachers ?
21 She would make the poet 's lunch , starting with the radio playing but switching it off after a time because he believed that people should be able to do without background noise .
22 Eyeshadows are a tricky one to be able to do in store — there must be 100 different browns alone , they 'd need to be mixed as a loose powder and sold pressed … ’
23 ‘ We might be able to manage without food , but the children wo n't , ’ said Grimma .
24 Even at the time of his admission and immediately prior to surgery when he has been given a great deal of information , his overriding concern is how he will cope with a stoma and whether he will be able to manage at home .
25 She would be able to return to school within 2 or weeks , but would be advised not to take part in any sports for several weeks after that .
26 ‘ Perhaps you 'll be able to return to work a little later on when your stepmother 's health improves .
27 It therefore lacks the precise single end point of studies of survival after infarction but for the patient who survives an acute coronary attack questions such as whether he will be able to return to work and earn his living , to lead an active family life and to enjoy his leisure pursuits are of the greatest importance .
28 Following maternity leave or a career break , all women working in the NHS will be able to return to work of a similar status .
29 Any firm which can demonstrate the appropriate experience will be able to act as sponsor to a company applying for listing .
30 C.E. Heath Trustee Company will be able to act in conjunction with or in place of existing pension fund trustees .
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