Example sentences of "[be] able [verb] [pron] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 If you have already pressed and arranged the flowers on a mount , the recipient will be able to assemble their own picture rather than take the risk of a glass frame smashing during its journey through the post and damaging the picture .
2 From 1 January next year VAT practitioners will be able to acquire their own specialist qualification , following the Institute of Indirect Tax Practitioners ' decision to introduce examinations from 1 January next year as a condition of membership .
3 Would it even matter , if this rabble of which he had himself once been a part , managed to get their vote and fill the House of Commons with men who would pass Factory Acts galore , including that damnable Ten Hours Bill of Richard Oastler 's , so that no man would be able to control his own affairs ?
4 It predicts that swarms of robots will carry out the most dangerous tasks and soldiers will be able to adapt their genetic make-up to improve the body 's protection against chemical and biological warfare .
5 China , whilst approving the airport plan in principle , had been insistent that it should be able to set its own terms for the size and financing of the project .
6 The memorandum was widely seen as a victory for the Chinese side in the negotiations , with the UK effectively agreeing to Chinese demands that it should be able to set its own terms for the size and financing of the project .
7 Consumer prices would also double , as producers would be able to set their own prices up to a fixed maximum , but Byambasuren said that the prices of some foodstuffs and industrial goods would remain under government control .
8 Mr Vernon Malcolm , managing director of the company which supplies parts for Nissan , said most of his employees were paid at least £3.40 an hour , but he needed to be able to set his own rates of pay rather than having them imposed by government .
9 Your GP will be able to immunise you free of charge if you need it .
10 Your GP will be able to immunise you free of charge if you need it .
11 They will probably be able to respect their own tears and if they have children they will be able to respect their tears .
12 In the second category , general civil cases , parties should be able to choose their own lawyers because the interests of justice would be inherently less likely to fetter the client 's right of choice .
13 It would be good for the Hong Kong citizens , and it would be inconsistent for Thatcher not to do this , since she has said , for the Falklands , that a people should be able to choose their own government , and we should n't give in to dictatorships .
14 Whereas Moscow tried to pose as the champion of German unity therefore , the West posed as the defender of German liberty , arguing that reunification must only come after free nation-wide elections , and that Germany should be able to choose its own Allies .
15 He wanted to be able to draw his own conclusions , without Naseby 's helpful commentary .
16 You 've got to be able to draw your own conclusions , that this was to an extent a personal vendetta . ’
17 A French company wishing to build a plant in West Germany needs to be able to turn its French francs into D-marks .
18 They must also be able to interview anyone involved in the operation of the aircraft , including the crew if they are available , and to impound all the relevant records , both documentary and electronic .
19 The Prime Minister would be able to appoint his own Cabinet .
20 THERE ARE SO many people who helped to make this time special that I am sorry not to be able to mention them all by name .
21 It is good therefore to be able to mention his first album for Blue Note from last year — ‘ Landmarks ’ ( ) .
22 I never thought I 'd be able to remember it all .
23 They say : It 's a very good idea to be able to pick your own .
24 There are many cases where varying documents are required and it is likely that no one single product will be able to do them all .
25 Some of these are always difficult — even for adults — but by seven , she should be able to do them all without any help from you .
26 ‘ I would love to be able to do something creative like that . ’
27 They are not mind readers and unless you explain , in some detail , what you are trying to achieve with a particular photograph they will not be able to do their best work .
28 ‘ I wanted to be able to do my own thing — and to be able to play with other people . ’
29 Exceedingly self-reliant , each man seemed to be able to do his own thinking and to be purely democratic and independent in his ideas and purposes .
30 It was rare for the painter to be able to do his own engraving , and conversely few engravers were artists in their own right .
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