Example sentences of "[be] explained as [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Instead , it could more satisfactorily be explained as a continuum , with recall directly dependent on the kind of encoding that is carried out .
2 This ‘ withdrawal ’ — which can be explained as a collective , dignified attempt not to have any truck with the enterprise except on one 's own terms — which an outsider can describe as apathy or schizoid withdrawal — has far-reaching political consequences .
3 Class-linked youth subcultures , such as those of mods , teds and rockers , could be explained as a crossing of both tendencies .
4 The early part of the present century was quiet in volcanic terms , and the warming might be explained as a result of dust clearing from the stratosphere , while the recent cooling trend coincides with increasing volcanic activity .
5 then this could be explained as a result of the autonomy of the state from the requirements of capitalism .
6 The discrepancy between these statements is probably to be explained as a consequence of the very thing we are discussing — the obscurity of the early , providential superego-precursors in the individual and their later submergence in the punitive , Oedipal superego , a complication which does not , of course , occur in the cultural evolution of the superego .
7 This is challenged by Hart who suggests that , far from simply being an example of the law enforcing a moral principle — for example the sanctity of human life — it may on the other hand ‘ perfectly well be explained as a piece of paternalism , designed to protect individuals against themselves ’ .
8 I would suggest that this attention to differences between context-dependent and objective description can be explained as a product of the specific academic tradition to which these writers are the heirs .
9 The decision is controversial in its reasoning , but it may be explained as an attempt by the judiciary to improve the workability of an ageing legal structure .
10 The decision might be explained as an attempt to remedy the absence of an offence which penalizes such voyeurs .
11 Yukawa realised that the short-range attractive force between nuclear particles could be explained as the exchange of a massive intermediate particle .
12 For the materialist Richards meaning was to be explained as the use of words either to point to things or to evoke feelings — in terms of behaviour , in the last analysis .
13 From this point of view , societal characteristics can not be explained as the product of actors ' choices , since these choices are themselves the product of socialisation .
14 The ‘ neighbourhood effect ’ could also be explained as the product of repeated association between the different classes in the same locality .
15 This failure could be explained as the product of political inexperience .
16 It could also be explained as the product of pride — a disdain for integrating himself into any kind of partisan organization .
17 Either because its causal impact is outweighed by structural considerations ( a possibility that will be discussed in Chapter vi ) , or because it is itself to be explained as the effect of social wholes and their properties .
18 In a paper written in 1905 , a few weeks before the famous paper on special relativity , Einstein pointed out that what was called Brownian motion — the irregular , random motion of small particles of dust suspended in a liquid — could be explained as the effect of atoms of the liquid colliding with the dust particles .
19 It would make no sense to say that the dots in the picture had a Gestalt of themselves , but to apply this model to the brain and experience would be just like that ; for , if the experience just is a state of the brain , then there is no way in which the character of the experience can be explained as the result of some perspective on the brain .
20 Secondly , he rejects the very assumption of classical theory that economic phenomena can ultimately be explained as the result of universal needs .
21 Marx is deeply opposed to the idea that a theory has a ‘ starting-point ’ , and in particular to the claim that social phenomena can be explained as the result of universal properties of individuals , and Althusser sums up his scepticism with an epigrammatic flourish : the classical idea that man makes his own history must be countered with the question ‘ How is the man who makes history made ? ’
22 And in his discussion of the parts played by people of exceptional talent he simply asserts that these individual capacities are to be explained as the result of social circumstances .
23 This is because the behaviour which is to be explained as the result of an instinct being present in an organism is , itself , the main evidence for the existence of the instinct in the first place .
24 By this Marxists mean that change and power in all human society can be explained as the result of the struggle between contending classes .
25 These amount , as we saw , to the belief that many social phenomena are to be explained as the outcome of actions performed by individuals or groups , and the view that groups can only do things if individuals do .
26 As we have seen , individualists are anxious to explain social states of affairs as the outcome of individual actions and attitudes which can not themselves be explained as the outcome of social states of affairs .
27 As a result , difficulties in the education service can be explained as the consequence of incidents of which they are probably the cause .
28 Once again , this association might be explained as the consequence of bringing up a child vulnerable to schizophrenia .
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