Example sentences of "[be] presented to the [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 At a regular monthly meeting on April 9 at the Bank for International Settlements in Basel , EC central bank governors approved a final draft version of the statutes for the proposed Eurofed which would be presented to the EC presidency for discussion .
2 The labour cost of this work would be presented to the Camphill Building Fund as our gift/donation .
3 A Bill extending the grounds on which terrorist suspects can be handed over is to be presented to the Dail early in the next session .
4 This will be presented to the Edinburgh Summit on the 11th of December .
5 This budget was withdrawn by Waigel on Aug. 9 , however , in response to the pace of unification negotiations , and he promised that a new budget would be presented to the Bundestag soon after unification had occurred .
6 The fact that they arranged for a petition from the inhabitants of Southwark , complaining about those who had welcomed the Palatines , to be presented to the Commons on the same day that they brought in the bill of repeal , suggests that contemporary politicians ( unlike some modern-day historians ) did believe that popular pressure could have a powerful impact on events at Westminster .
7 As part of the campaign bidding to reverse the decision and stop up to 140 truckloads a day using roads to Teesside , a 7,033-name petition urging Government action will be presented to the Commons today by Richmond MP William Hague .
8 Haughey had denied all knowledge of the bugging , but on Jan. 21 Doherty said that he had taken the blame " to protect Haughey " and had decided to speak out only because a new telephone-tapping bill was about to be presented to the Dáil ( lower house of parliament ) .
9 The claim is to be presented to the UN Compensation Commission , but the commission " set up after the war to co-ordinate claims against Iraq " has few funds at its disposal .
10 At the end of the year the diary is to be presented to the Zaire government as an official record of the school 's activities .
11 The strike was called off two days later , after Moda'i and Histadrut leaders agreed that legislation to reduce the minimum wage would not be presented to the Knesset until a compromise had been worked out .
12 The game 's official lawmakers are preparing the new legislation , to be presented to the ICC , following last summer 's controversy surrounding Pakistan 's Wasim Akram and Waqar Younis .
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