Example sentences of "[be] looked [prep] in [noun] " in BNC.

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1 With the increasing sophistication and scale of warehouse buildings it is suggested that they should be looked at in depth at the earliest planning stage when they are able to exert their proper influence on construction and design .
2 The relevant points will be looked at in turn .
3 The American meteorological craft can not be looked at in isolation : they depend not only on Earth stations but also on processing equipment on the ground that makes sense of the data that the craft provide .
4 ‘ With the speed of integration of JAA and the Single European Market this issue can not be looked at in isolation from the overall harmonisation requirements which will influence the CAA 's regulatory system .
5 He has experimented successfully himself with low price hardbacks , but stresses that price can not be looked at in isolation .
6 They are not to be looked at in isolation and followed to the letter , but if you 're not sure about style , they will give you some useful ideas .
7 In order to make some local comparisons with Nikol'skaia , ties between the fifty-nine party cells and the people in Poltava guberniia will be looked at in passing .
8 Rather it would be best to take the most extreme cases as a basis for new thinking so that intermediate requirements can be looked at in perspective .
9 This will be looked at in Chapter 7 where a number of commercial DBMS are investigated .
10 How justified such a view is will be looked at in Chapter 3 .
11 Another said that the location of industry and Government Training Centres had to be looked at in terms of equal opportunity and access .
12 for clarity is that the actual projected requirements , as a series of projections produced by County Council are for four thousand three hundred households , and a projected requirement for three thousand three hundred dwellings , well quite clearly if the City of York itself can not accommodate the requirement generated from in that city , then it must be looked at in relation to the whole of the Greater York area , and the projections of the Greater York area do take into account the er the figures generated from within the City of York , therefore , yes , they are included within the Greater York figure .
13 The discharge of the basic obligations under the contract , relating to delivery , passing of risk and property , and payment , are partly a matter for negotiation between the parties ( although the SGA provides guidelines ) but must also be looked at in relation to s 3 of the UCTA , with its restrictions on clauses excluding liability for breach .
14 there would be security , full employment , and a great health and welfare service , where we would all be looked after in dignity in our old age .
15 And indeed , fit very well into what we call the section seventeen budget , which is section seventeen of the Children Act nineteen eighty nine , which er , does enable the local authority to provide preventative services , to avoid the need for children to be looked after in care .
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