Example sentences of "[be] prepared [to-vb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Officers must be prepared to do the unexpected to pre-empt the possibility that a polluter will effect a short-lived remedy for their benefit .
2 If , however , the expectations of the client are of a lower order , the analyst must be prepared to use the idealised solutions simply as a knowledge base to determine where acceptable and attainable improvements can be made .
3 In order to teach the interpretation of a literary text , we must be prepared to teach the cultural text as well .
4 Perhaps purchasers or providers elsewhere would not be prepared to devote the necessary resources to involving service users in this way .
5 You should comply with all reasonable management requests and be prepared to perform the full range of duties appropriate to your employment , ie not only your current duties ; but a wider range of duties required by the ES ( within daily travelling distance of your home for non-mobile employees and anywhere in the organisation if you are in a mobile grade .
6 Reverend thought oh yes he 'd be very very glad of you , so he said I 'd be prepared to visit the sick , I 'd do anything like that and he did in fact start doing some visiting , and among other people that he called upon was a person living in Road , not very far really from where I 'd been born and I knew the area well .
7 I will not insult you by asking you to be my servant , Burkett , but nevertheless I could use a good man to drive this coach down to Grasmere , get me some fishing over a few days , be prepared to go the odd errand — about a week in all I would guess .
8 But , often , engineers in charge of such devices have no control over the transmission equipment , whose owners may not be prepared to take the necessary precautions .
9 It expressed the view that opportunities should be provided for suitably qualified students to obtain a degree , although it was acknowledged that many would not be prepared to take the longer course this entailed and some would not be considered suitable for admission to degree studies .
10 Could we be sure in those circumstances that the American president and Congress would be prepared to risk the wholesale destruction of American cities merely to meet our point of view ?
11 The second point which I would make is that despite having had many months indeed years , to come to a view , erm it is only Selby District Council who have stepped forward and said , basically that they would be prepared to accommodate the new settlement .
12 Can he assure us that he would not be prepared to support the present EMU treaty , which does not contain the provisions and safeguards that he has mentioned ?
13 In other cases witnesses may not be prepared to relive the actual events for research purposes ( for example , the actual victim in the 1986 Yuille and Cutshall study ) .
14 ‘ Irish political parties , and this includes Sinn Fein , must be prepared to assist the British to face up to their responsibilities regarding the Unionists and to face up to our responsibilities towards them also .
15 Should the police obtain an order enabling them to gain access to client papers the order usually specifies the client 's — the practitioner should be prepared to have the necessary files ready on the day they visit .
16 Not when — if , perchance , Labour Members were in that position in 20 years ' time , would they be prepared to have the whole system of assessing and adjudicating upon genuine claims destroyed by the campaigns that are being organised in some parts of this country ?
17 We must be prepared to understand the Evil One as the Dark Power — that which is evil — rather than elaborating ( new ) mythologies that concentrate on personalised demons and personified devils .
18 Will Ministers be prepared to surrender the close degree of control over the Prison Service to which they have grown accustomed , and to the extent necessary to allow a Chief Executive the freedom required for true agency status ?
19 Will donors be prepared to provide the extra funds needed for reconstruction or even to continue funding at current levels ?
20 Why should an applicant , who must in any event be prepared to satisfy the primary purpose test , be worse off because he contemplates the possibility of a relatively short stay in the UK than one who had the fixed intention of permanent UK residence ?
21 In order to make this return , he will be prepared to pay the following fair price for the share today : where P o = fair price of the share , E ( d 1 ) = expected annual dividend per share at the end of year 1 , E ( P 1 ) = expected price of the share at the end of year 1 , E ( ) = expectations ( or forecast ) operator based on all current information ( the average across all market participants ) , r = market-determined discount rate or cost of capital or required rate of return on a firm with this risk class .
22 This may involve the following behavioural changes : * the wife may return to full-time work to increase the family 's total income ; * expenditure on other items , such as cars or holidays , may for the time be reduced ; the couple may place an increased value on the enhanced personal prestige attached to the ownership of the larger property , and will be prepared to accept the financial consequences of enjoying this enhanced prestige .
23 Perhaps the country or the realm are as good synonyms as one can find and I would be prepared to accept the organised community as coming as near to a definition as one can get .
24 On receiving an assurance from the guardians that they would lose no time in putting up a nurses ' home , the Minister would be prepared to recommend the Nursing Council to give its approval .
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