Example sentences of "[be] expected [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 This can be reduced by diversifying , in particular to achieve a mix of assets whose values would not all be expected to move in the same direction at once .
2 The Economist that bastion of left wing thinking commissioned an actuary to estimate the likely number of vacancies during a parliament ten point seven three sorry to be precise about this colleagues Tory MPs can be expected to die over a full five year term , I 'm sorry for being morbid .
3 The greater this interaction between chains the more favourable will be the energy parameter and this provides some indication of the type of chain which might be expected to crystallize from the melt , viz.
4 The employee 's claim was , however , effectively refused in the British Steel case because such benefits as might be expected to flow to the employer from refinements to the patented product had not ( yet ) materialised .
5 The Soviet authorities had no reason to take any interest in the fate of a handful of foreign invaders when over twenty million of their own people had been killed , while as for the Italians , it had suddenly become clear that they had in fact been anti-Fascists to a man all along and could hardly be expected to sympathize with the relatives of those few fanatics who had been rash enough to fight for the despised Duce .
6 If in that situation some consumers might reasonably be expected to rely on the misleading information , the trader commits an offence unless he has taken all reasonable steps to prevent them from doing so .
7 Furthermore , there is not a strong tradition of non-formal education within the labour movement in the USA which might ideally be expected to serve as a training ground for working with Highlander .
8 Lady Merchiston 's situation , Theda recognised , was symptomatic of the whole , and she could appreciate that the Diggorys could scarcely be expected to cope with a task that would baffle an army of servants .
9 It follows that a particular score from an intelligence appraisal can be a useful cut-off point in that those who do not attain the cut-off should not be expected to cope with the demands of the particular task .
10 As a few of these modules may have started in a previous session , or may be expected to finish in a future session , some will count in statistics for more than one session .
11 This should not only be expected to happen as a natural consequence of ‘ the Church 's active , sympathetic presence within the world of communications ’ ( ibid. ) , but also as the result of a precise commitment on the part of communicators .
12 Those in working-class jobs and those with no jobs at all might be expected to opt for a party that offers some degree of social change and appears more empathic toward the " have-nots " than toward the " haves . "
13 For long chains , co-operative motion can not be expected to extend along the entire length , and the polymer tends to act as if it were composed of a series of interconnected , but independent , kinetic units .
14 Further ( intergranular ) stress might be expected to arise from the differential thermal expansion of individual minerals in a rock related to differences in colour , specific heat and coefficient of thermal expansion .
15 Any European Common Foreign and Security policy which includes Swedish and other neutral interests must be less effective even than that which can be expected to emerge from the current unsatisfactory record of EEC action in foreign affairs .
16 While Ross was fighting to save his business — rather like David against Goliath — he really could n't be expected to deal with the boringly mundane but nevertheless important work of running the apartment as efficiently as possible .
17 Variations can also be expected to exist between the more and the less accessible rural areas , but few published data exist that allow this to be illustrated .
18 Opportunities may be expected to exist for a young male to join the harem .
19 This will be needed — but should not be expected to exist from the outset — if the group is to become an effective working group .
20 Nursing care is individual to each patient , as the patient should not be expected to conform to a set pattern of treatment .
21 It now appears that , in addition to this , I will be expected to part with a further portion of my income as a graduate tax to pay for my education , the last three years of which I am spending in hospitals , not only studying , but assisting on a voluntary basis with essential clinical procedures and tests .
22 HEALTH AUTHORITIES will be expected to adhere to the ‘ firm ’ budgets they are to be given for patients ' drugs , Kenneth Clarke , Secretary of State for Health , said yesterday .
23 Mr W Doggart emphasised that tutors would be expected to adhere to the contents of the packs which would become official Institute precept and practice .
24 The Bullock Report clearly stated in 1975 : ‘ No child should be expected to cast off the language and culture of the home as he ( or she ) crosses the school threshold …
25 A left hemisphere advantage for matching by name ( Cohen , 1972 ) would be expected to lead to a RVF superiority on a memory search for letter names .
26 Moreover , a cash supplement to income would also be expected to lead to a fall in work effort .
27 This may be expected to lead to a purposeful action , purposeful inaction or indifference .
28 Butter and margarine are close substitutes , and so any increase in the price of butter would be expected to lead to an increased demand for margarine as consumers substitute the latter for the relatively more expensive butter .
29 On the other hand , the prison population could be substantially reduced without creating a massive crime wave : if the numbers in prison were cut by 40 per cent , this could be expected to lead to an increase in criminal convictions of only 1.6 per cent .
30 In general a failure to serve a committal order in due time would not be expected to lead to the quashing of the sentence of imprisonment .
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