Example sentences of "[be] expected [verb] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The professor will be qualified for election as an official member of the board of the faculty ( which has final authority over the proceedings of its sub-faculties ) , and will be expected to serve from time to time on the various standing and ad hoc committees appointed by the board .
2 The minimum period which a prisoner can be expected to serve in order to satisfy the requirements of retribution and deterrence has become known as the tariff period .
3 The needs-led approach alters the nature of the practitioner 's accountability to the employing agency and to the user under new arrangements , practitioners will be expected to sustain with integrity a measure of independence from both parties , while safeguarding the interests of both ( DoH , 1991c , p. 111 ) .
4 Only after receiving assurances that the Emperor would neither be embarrassed nor be expected to apologize for atrocities committed by Japanese forces did Miyazawa consent to the visit .
5 Participants were led through a series of ‘ real life ’ situations , which might be expected to arise during validation , by group leaders experienced in external validation .
6 But Mr Patten — who would earn a tax-free salary of £140,000 — would be expected to remain in office until the handover in 1997 , taking him out of mainstream politics for five years .
7 The DSS said last week local authorities would be expected to negotiate with home owners on how to make up the gap in funding for residents who have to be away from the home for more than six days .
8 If you can not reasonably be expected to vote in person on polling day you can apply for an absent vote .
9 How long can they reasonably be expected to last in conditions like that ?
10 In the game between human and bacteria , the ‘ shadow of the future ’ is normally long since a typical human can be expected to live for years from any given starting-point .
11 In addition , they will be expected to go on visits to their local Department of Social Security office , courts , industrial tribunal and other institutions that are relevant locally to the CAB clients .
12 Without having enough knowledge to judge its magnitude , I can foresee a real problem for the Director of Public Prosecutions and her ancillary services if they are to be expected to join in applications or to provide undertakings or letters for the purpose of facilitating parties in complex civil proceedings who will naturally be anxious to achieve the maximum disclosure by their opponents .
13 They would be expected to interchange at King 's Cross with London Underground and other BR services .
14 While if a user is really looking for a system to support management decisions , how can he be expected to know in advance all the decisions which he will have to take ?
15 As this was the first time this had happened , how could we be expected to know in advance ?
16 In purely administrative terms , it was thought that authorities concerned with distinguishing between applications for exempt development , excepted development , designated relevant development and non-designated relevant development could not also be expected to distinguish between Class A and Class B applications , and between outline , illustrative , detailed and guideline applications .
17 Your own historical writing and thinking will be expected to distinguish between fact and interpretation and between statements of a descriptive rather than an analytical kind .
18 Symptomatic patients with excessive DGR and a positive provocation test might be expected to benefit from treatment designed either to prevent DGR or to protect the gastric mucosa .
19 Graduate lecture courses are few at present but may be expected to grow in number in the near future .
20 The body fluids of marine fish are generally more dilute than those of sea water , and would be expected to freeze at temperatures of -0.6° to -0.8°C ( Schmidt-Nielsen , 1975 ) , a degree or more higher than the freezing point of polar sea water .
21 In these early stages of re-training , the horse can be expected to keep in rhythm while doing basic school movements , carrying himself on a light contact .
22 The sub-contractor will be expected to comply with instructions given by the general foreman , site agent or contract manager .
23 Clerical staff who may be required to input data into the system will be expected to train in order to use the system .
24 Other things equal , the higher the rate of interest , the more individuals can be expected to economize on cash holdings .
25 This reflects the greater responsibility successful candidates might be expected to exercise on behalf of an employer .
26 A variety of techniques will be used to chart their general beliefs about child development , as well as their specific estimates of what children of given ages might normally be expected to achieve in history .
27 As an implicated part of Capitalism , the trade unions must be expected to play by Capitalism 's rules ; and government by admonition is , as always , ineffectual .
28 Lord Donaldson implied , however , that solicitors who exercised their new rights of audience in these cases ought to be expected to concentrate on advocacy .
29 Thus the link would be expected to occur on average after R/2 , and the overflow record would also take an average of R/2tn locate ( or R if the start of the overflow track has to be found before the record search can begin ) .
30 Plotting the graphic sorting characteristics of the same sediment gradients enables recognition of the sorting characteristics which may be expected to occur with sediments from each depositional environment ( Fig. 3.13 ) .
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