Example sentences of "[be] found in the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The extreme heteromorphs are perhaps to be found in the genus Nipponites , which looks like a tangle of whorls where any obvious semblance of symmetrical coiling seems to have been lost ( see left ) , and Baculites which is virtually straight after its earliest whorls .
2 Dublin 's culture might be found in the ghost city we half remember , half imagine .
3 A list of most of the offices referred to in this paragraph , and others , will be found in the Law Society 's Handbook , and in Halsbury 's Laws of England , 4th ed. , iii , 605–609 .
4 A list of the Departments concerned will be found in the Law Society 's Handbook and in Halsbury .
5 Many similar statements can be found in the Law Reports : as Lord Wright put it in Luxor ( Eastbourne ) Ltd v Cooper [ 1941 ] AC 108 " Decisions on one contract may help by way of analogy and illustration in the decision of another contract .
6 Although such an approach may appeal to those interested in the operation of machines as historical artifacts and in some cases is vital to ability to ‘ read ’ those files which technology has already passed-by ( a classic example being the maintenance of punch card readers to process the already long-forgotten decks of eighty-column cards currently being rediscovered in the corners of filing cabinets , broom cupboards and the like ) , a more efficient strategy is to be found in the transfer of machine-readable files to a hardware and software independent format .
7 There are a number of problems to be found in the attempts to explain the low level of female crime as being due to physical or mental maladjustment .
8 Judicial decisions can readily be found in the common-law world which use commercial utility as a justification in their reasoning .
9 If so , the power of critics may be no more than the listings services offered in the papers or on posters , while real power can be found in the organisation of the art market .
10 The roots of British Philosophical Idealism were to be found in the philosophy of Hegel , as well as in that of Kant , Fichte , Plato and Aristotle .
11 They may even be found in the Link trainer or , perhaps , in the Navigation Section !
12 The latest haven is to be found in the Cook Islands , deep in the South Pacific , where companies are falling over themselves to register .
13 The first is to be found in the structure of our law of restitution , as it developed during the 19th and early 20th centuries .
14 The most interesting development pointing in this general direction is to be found in the field of statutory as opposed to common law review .
15 Many other examples can be found in the field of agriculture , since it is heavily regulated , technical and subject to frequent change .
16 In confirming the wealth of the district the subsidy exposed a scale of poverty that more closely approached what was to be found in the rest of Suffolk .
17 And there is a very good example of this puzzle to be found in the computer business .
18 A striking example of the growth of opacity is to be found in the story we have already referred to , as reported in the Oxford Mail .
19 By the eighteenth century toy windmills , printing presses , farms , alphabet cards , and jigsaw puzzles were to be found in the nurseries of the better-off .
20 The content of that teaching is to be found in the discourses of our Lord recorded in the Gospels .
21 Further symbolism can be found in the row of sixteen dark metal columns that stand along one side , one for each Land .
22 By far the biggest concentration of football boozers is to be found in the streets around Hibernian 's Easter Road ground where players like Alex Cropley , Jimmy O'Rourke and Peter Marinello have all had bars .
23 The legislation has been consolidated and the law can now be found in the Tribunals and Inquiries Act 1971 .
24 Professor Hobsbawm 's argument for an " aristocracy of labour " among nineteenth-century skilled workers depends upon the kind of material and cultural conditions and status assumptions which can certainly be found in the cases of some eighteenth-century crafts , but fluctuations in fortune make the idea less firmly applicable .
25 Once an interaction has been found in one of the effects in a table such as figure 13.10 , it will also be found in the other .
26 The current law governing companies is to be found in the Companies Act 1985 , .
27 These provisions , which are now to be found in the Companies Act 1985 , Part X , require directors and other primary insiders to disclose their holdings and dealings in the company with whom they are connected by way of employment .
28 Model forms of memorandum for different types of companies can be found in the Companies ( Tables A-F ) Regulations 1985 .
29 ‘ And finally , evidence of the growing underclass is to be found in the increase in single-parent families , the increase in crime , and the lack of attachment to ‘ conventional ’ values .
30 Workshops were established in Isfahan , Kashan and Tabriz , and for several decades Persia was the most important and influential centre of artistic excellence and learning in the East — comparable to Renaissance Italy in the West — whose most profound and abiding expression was to be found in the carpets it produced .
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