Example sentences of "[be] [verb] [prep] the top " in BNC.

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1 The double zip allows you to roll the centre flap up from the bottom , to be fastened at the top or rolled down from the top for quick access .
2 If we were to construct a ‘ ladder ’ of non-fatal offences , starting with the most serious and moving down to the least serious , the offence of attempted murder should be placed at the top .
3 For this reason , if shelter sheds are placed in a paddock , they may have to be placed at the top of the hill and preferably near the gate .
4 To make a room look wider , long horizontal bands of mirror can be placed at the top and bottom of walls , or vertical floor to ceiling panels can be added to walls at right angles to a window .
5 No , here a modicum of route-finding skill may be required , particularly if you choose to sample the routes described briefly below , for several must be located from the top .
6 We have two wonderful prizes of bedroom furniture to be won from the top of Ducal 's range .
7 : Fa A man had to be rescued from the top of Hereford Cathedral this afternoon after he had a heart attack .
8 Reinforced fencing has also had to be installed along the top of the cliff face to try and reduce the danger of people committing suicide by jumping off the top .
9 Last year , walking in a forest above Lake Geneva , I saw terrible evidence of this as acre after acre of trees seemed to be dying from the top down .
10 My brother and I would imagine all manner of things to be lurking at the top , from demons ' castles to wizards and fairies .
11 Some pressure must also be applied to the top of the assembly to keep them from lifting apart .
12 In Fig. 6.7 therefore , a choice has to be made at the top of the tree between so and sew based on the transitional probability scores to the following words a and I .
13 Salt water would be pumped to the top and released to fall as artificial rain , meeting hot air rising from openings at the bottom .
14 The niches may be seen at the top of the staircase , but the project of 1722 was never realized .
15 When Steer died she is reported to have said , ‘ Now he and Sickert are gone I 'm the only artist left ’ ! 13 She wanted to be seen at the top where she clearly felt she belonged , doing the same as the best , as well as the best .
16 The radar scanner can be seen on the top of the Lock Control Building at the Entrance Lock .
17 I mean , I 'm not saying I want us to be living at the top of a tower block on some vandalized estate but there 's more to life than this , I know there is . ’
18 Such tips were conical in shape , their height determined by the ease with which material could be moved to the top .
19 Ad hoc reports are an essential part of any system that aspires not merely to process data routinely but to permit management information to be creamed off the top .
20 Braid should also be used around the top and bottom of the fabric and around doors and windows .
21 But she had to battle for a York neck victory from Satank and trainer Jack Berry said : ‘ She ran well , but looked to be going over the top .
22 And then I was late , when I got round there I thought well she 'll at least be waiting at the top of the drive , if not at the top of the road .
23 It is worth having a store of them up your sleeve until confidence has grown to the state where they can be produced off the top of the head .
24 Note that on all subsequent pages , the supplied user name will be displayed at the top of the page .
25 The DC identifier , title and classification will be displayed at the top of the page , for information only ; they can not be changed .
26 The DC identifier , title and classification will be displayed at the top of the page , for information only ; they can not be changed .
27 The DC identifier , title and classification will be displayed at the top of the page , for information only ; they can not be changed .
28 The DC identifier , title and classification will be displayed at the top of the page , for information only ; they can not be changed .
29 The DC identifier , title and classification will be displayed at the top of the page , for information only ; they can not be changed .
30 The SPR identifier will be displayed at the top of the page , for information only ; it can not be changed .
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