Example sentences of "[be] [verb] [prep] [art] higher " in BNC.

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1 This difference can not be explained by a higher level of prosecutions for regulatory offences .
2 The CAA SRG input to them will be that a passenger who has paid to be flown , as a passenger , has the right not to be exposed to a higher risk than any other passenger who has paid to be flown .
3 in severe cases the affected fish may be treated at a higher dose 10mg per litre in a separate hospital tank , for five days .
4 It would , Burlatsky suggested , be based upon a wide variety of property forms , including state property which would be developed to the higher level of public ownership of the whole people .
5 Before expanding , arrangements must be made for the higher cash requirements needed to support trading at increased levels .
6 Therefore they need only be made at a higher level of aggregation and should highlight potential peaks and troughs .
7 To a large extent the crops grown vary with altitude — they can be grown to a higher altitude on the warmer , less exposed south side .
8 Allowing for those to be transferred to the higher and further education funding councils , that is equivalent to a cut of almost 50 per cent .
9 Population attributable risks , not adjusted for other factors , estimate the proportion of deaths explained by exposure to the risk factor , and the relative attributable risks estimate the percentage of the excess risk in Maori , compared with non-Maori , which could be attributed to a higher exposure to the risk factor in Maori children .
10 Ships would race to deliver the tea , as the first of the new crop to reach land could be sold for a higher price .
11 If a total of less than 1% of the population is undefined then the errors are unlikely to be great , but the reliability of the moments decreases sharply as the proportions of undefined materials increases , and the technique should not be used with a higher proportion of unknowns notwithstanding the convenience and availability of pocket calculators suitable to perform the arithmetic .
12 Over the last 30 or 40 years , the actual quality of marriage has grown in importance and this may well be reflected in the higher divorce rates .
13 … they meant well — they felt kindly towards him , and acknowledged his provocations ; but they fell into the too common error of supposing that the finer feelings , which induce a man to prefer death to dishonour , are only to be recognised among the higher classes ; and that , because circumstances may have placed a man before the mast , he will undergo punishment , however severe , however degrading … in preference to death .
14 This can be raised to a higher level by suggesting that personal disputes be settled informally and those between state and citizen formally .
15 In the future evolution of society under women 's guidance , sex would be raised to a higher plane , where physical passion would be transmuted by the power of human love .
16 As discussed in the previous chapter , relationships with kin will also be affected by the higher incidence of divorce and remarriage , which may weaken the support available to the old living alone , especially because , in such interactions , the notion of reciprocity over time is so important .
17 He fulfils the role of second son quite adequately in my view , and I trust he will not be summoned to a higher station in life .
18 However , this benefit must be weighed against the higher rates of haemorrhage associated with intravenous heparin as well as the higher rates of stroke with tPA than with other thrombolytics .
19 Valuable coins would naturally be searched for with more energy and so tend to be recovered at a higher rate in ancient times .
20 The choice does not have to lie between unanimity and a simple majority of the partners : frequently the required majority will be set at a higher level than 50 per cent plus one to reflect the importance of the matter under discussion .
21 A strategical handicap of increased dependence on imported food and the incalculable cultural loss involved in commitment to an overwhelmingly industrial society were other results to be set against a higher standard of living for the majority .
22 More refined matter is to be found in the higher dimensions .
23 It is more likely that such hoards will be found today simply because of their size , so we may be dealing with a higher rate of recovery for these hoards than is normal for hoards of other periods .
24 With stocks running perilously low , the Czechoslovak government on Oct. 6 introduced a fuel rationing system whereby a maximum 25 litres could be bought at existing prices , with purchases over that limit charged at prices one-third higher ( all petrol was to be charged at the higher price from Nov. 1 ) .
25 You start moving men about from one job to another , and they start complaining , or demanding to be put on a higher grade .
26 However , CVS may be associated with a higher risk of pregnancy loss compared with second-trimester amniocentesis .
27 Judicial action and institutionalisation were not recommended , as such action seemed to be associated with a higher rate of later sociopathic behaviour among her sample .
28 In any of these cases the set-up is adjudged to be bad and appropriate action will be taken at a higher level .
29 Well , he 'll be tried by a higher court than we have in this life .
30 Once goods had been brought to a European port , they could be re-exported at a higher price to other European countries that had no direct trade across the sea , so a good many of the calculations about trade were concerned with re-exporting goods which had not been processed into an improved form but were simply being sent to a place where they commanded some additional scarcity value .
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