Example sentences of "[be] [vb pp] until [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Paying all pre-payments into a trust account from which they can not be withdrawn until the package has been provided .
2 The corrective operation could not be undertaken until the child was three months old , and the doctor recommended that the child should be allowed to stay at the hospital until she was due for surgery , her condition producing difficulties in feeding .
3 The practicalities of service of the Summons , entering appearance , lodging Defences and so forth , are usually such that consideration of tactics can not be undertaken until the Adjustment Period is fixed .
4 In addition to these cuts , a moratorium was placed on the spending of certain funds , in the Administration , Finance and House budgets , the expenditure of which could be delayed until the income situation had clarified .
5 Medical opinion believed that early breast milk ( antigen-rich colostrum ) was harmful , and that feeding should be delayed until the passage of the first stools .
6 Without sufficient information , a selection decision should be delayed until the book has appeared .
7 Payment of some ( say , half ) of the proceeds may be delayed until the vendor has completed his or her side of the bargain and delivered the relevant shares .
8 It was given a qualified welcome by Donald Riegle and Henry Gonzalez , the ( Democrat ) chairmen of the Senate and House banking committees respectively , who stated that an extension of bank operations into financial services should be delayed until the implementation of the supervisory and deposit insurance reforms , the latter being expected to attract widespread public opposition .
9 Although strictly speaking the company is responsible for the cost of materials immediately the order is placed , the normal procedure is for costing to be delayed until the invoice has been checked and approved for payment .
10 This is because it assumes that only one of the candidates in each position is correct , so the assignment of scores to words has to be delayed until the maximum for any given position is known .
11 Simple tests to see that your baby 's sight is developing as it should be are carried out at her normal child health clinic checks , but a detailed examination by an eye specialist wo n't be given until a child is between three or four years old .
12 It is difficult to give precise guidelines but it is now our practice to recommend that oral iron be given until the haemoglobion concentrations and red cell counts are normal , and that these are remeasured at about three monthly intervals for a year and further iron given as necessary .
13 The ‘ too fast ’ signal should not be given until the glider is well up into the climb and putting a load onto the cable .
14 Long , expanded drills should not be given until the student has mastered the shorter , minimal structures , because the expanded drills are based on the minimal ones .
15 To ensure this happened , permission for phase II of the development , a further twenty-eight flats , was not to be given until the house had been restored .
16 Although bonuses on a life policy can not be realised until the termination of the policy , life companies will normally lend money to clients against the security of those bonuses , quickly and at very competitive rates of interest .
17 The Chinese side had ordered that construction be halted until the project received China 's approval , saying that China had not been consulted on the matter , and expressing concern that it would place a financial burden on the new government after 1997 .
18 The distance can then be adjusted until the diameter of the ring of refracted light is exactly twice that of the shadow ; the distance from the lens to the paper is then numerically equal to the focal length .
19 Because his ennoblement could not be ratified until the Dragon Throne was formally occupied , Alexei was not permitted to vote .
20 Surely all poll tax cases should be stopped until the matter has been sorted out .
21 The question of whether a plaintiff 's claim is time-barred by the Limitation Act does not fall to be considered until the point has been pleaded by the defendant , at which stage , if appropriate , the plaintiff may make an application for a direction under s33 ( Kennet v Brown [ 1988 ] 1 WLR 582 ) .
22 It is also worth noting that efficiency should not be considered until the effectiveness is proven , the procedure could be doing the wrong thing in an extremely efficient manner .
23 A council spokeswoman said : ‘ There is an ongoing investigation which can not be resolved until the mother returns and can be interviewed by both social services and the police . ’
24 A council spokeswoman said : ‘ There is an ongoing investigation which can not be resolved until the mother returns and can be interviewed by both social services and the police . ’
25 After treatment the store should be ventilated until the chlorine smell has dispersed .
26 If at first this proves too difficult , an alternative method of grabbing the ankles may be substituted until the area becomes more stretched and flexible with use .
27 Mandarins should not be added until the tank is well established .
28 It should be noted that no modules will be deleted until the module version deletion process has been able to run through the whole LIFESPAN database .
29 That is why there will be no amnesty , and those people will be pursued until the moment that they pay up .
30 The facts were that Chetnik constructed two warehouses under a consent granted under the London Buildings Acts 1930–1939 , the consent being subject to a condition that the buildings should not be occupied until the consent of Tower Hamlets had been obtained to the proposed user .
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