Example sentences of "[that] [pron] saw the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It was as we started our second run and we were at the lights at the corner of Portman Square , that I saw the cops had concentrated themselves on the traffic island in Baker Street .
2 I was just going to say , I was just saying , that I saw the posters that erm parents and carers should erm , go along to talk about parenting and at the bottom it said , erm , will be selling multi-racial toys and dolls and things like that .
3 It was n't until two a.m. that I saw the Gorengs .
4 It was at Snaefellsness that I saw the bird I had hoped to find — and which was ‘ new ’ to me — the Brünnich 's guillemot .
5 And it 's funny because the last car that I saw the fellow 's from I saw the fellow 's who did it .
6 It was not until I was at a conference at which Jean Darnall was speaking that I saw the need to ask others to pray for me .
7 It came at once in the form of none other than the mighty Lord 's Prayer ; but it was n't until I got to the line about daily bread that I saw the light — I had n't given her any !
8 It was only in 1960 that I saw the flaw in the argument .
9 I ca n't realy add much to what has already been said except that I saw the goals on Manc of the day and thought theirs were all sloppy and avoidable .
10 It was there that she saw the man lying on the plastic strips of an off-white metal reclining chair beside the pool , which was undoubtedly smaller than it had looked in the photograph .
11 Lalumière , in an address to the Royal Institute for International Affairs in London on Feb. 28 , 1991 , said that she saw the Council of Europe as an important institutional link between western and eastern Europe , particularly in the field of human rights .
12 It was clear that she saw the drift of his question but her answer was simple : ‘ Granny seemed to exercise a sort of spell over her sons , her husband too , I think .
13 see what happened is , I came over and he says , you know I 've told this lady that you saw the man standing beside her and she went she sort of , she described him , apparently he was very tall which
14 It was only when you looked at their faces that you saw the difference in both age and expression : Harry 's face was round , his eyes merry , while Joe 's features inclined to length and his grey eyes , which at times seemed colourless , had in their depths a touch of melancholy that had deepened with the years .
15 ‘ The results were encouraging in that we saw the benefits of assessments which enabled gaps in skills to be identified , ’ said , head of functional training at Courtaulds ' Training , Education and Development Centre at Woodside in the UK .
16 There is no doubt that Unionists believed in what they were doing or that they saw the government 's actions as justifying their responses .
17 It was therefore with surprise that they saw the coach draw up bearing the Lassiter coat of arms .
18 However in nineteen thirty s nineteen forty seven this was n't actually realizing , it was only later on that they saw the incompatibility of the two aims .
19 ‘ did drive ’ Driving is usually proved by witness statements to the effect that they saw the defendant drive .
20 It can be proved by witnesses stating that they saw the defendant ‘ drive round the roundabout and wander into the side of another car ’ or ‘ brake rather late and run into the car in front ’ or by the defendant stating that ‘ I misjudged the gap or distance ’ or ‘ I did n't see the other car , motorbike , cycle or pedestrian , etc . ’
21 He stated that he had later spoken to two observers who had been close to the ridge at the time of the accident , and they had apparently noticed that the wind had , momentarily , markedly increased in strength and had appeared to swirl up the hill towards the ridge , coincidental with the time that they saw the aircraft 's wing drop and the aircraft begin to descend .
22 It is also important to note that they saw the taking of law into their own hands as temporary , and pending the recognition by that state of its mistaken attitude towards them and their right to a degree of autonomy .
23 But both Pound and Lewis were American or Americanized enough to have on the contrary a professional attitude to their respective arts , in the quite precise sense that they saw the continuity of art traditions ensured by the atelier , the master instructing his prentices .
24 Increasingly , the socialists declared that they saw the republic as a Bourgeois stepping stone in a transition to a socialist regime .
25 This means that they saw the death of Jesus as part of God 's plan .
26 It was then that they saw the grenade in his hand .
27 It was notable in one respect , in that it saw the development of Nicholson 's romance with the stunningly attractive former model , Mimi Machu , who appeared in Psych-Out well down the list of credits under the pseudonym of I.J. Jefferson .
28 The answer is that it saw the way the wind was blowing and instead of desperately tripping its users up as they tried to move to open systems , it embraced them wholeheartedly , giving users the option of either staying on the slow track with an MPE V operating system that over time would converge with Unix , or taking the fast track and jumping across to the HP 9000 .
29 Every goddam way they had taken Harry 's picture , so that he saw the part of Harry 's head that was intact , and the part that was blasted .
30 Michael 's problem was that he saw the glamour in Frank 's position : the love of liberty ; the excitement in the free pursuit of truth ; the shaking off of convention and mere conformity ; the feeling that religion was a ‘ stuffy valley ’ out of which he had grown .
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