Example sentences of "[not/n't] give [noun sg] to the " in BNC.

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1 That paragraph does not give rise to the inference that an appropriation of property is not theft when there is a ‘ consent ’ — if it can be rightly so described — which is founded upon the dishonesty of the defendant .
2 Why his Lordship should have concluded that the facts did not give rise to the issue is unclear , but subsequent events have shown that the decision has been of much greater importance for the scope of the right of public meeting than his Lordship imagined it would be .
3 In particular , it has been asked whether there are political mechanisms , other than dictatorship , that , without restricting the nature of the preferences of voters and the choices that they can make , do not give rise to the non-existence problem .
4 So that 's all got to happen and can we expect that the improvements that have been made now to the syst to the management of this process will not give rise to the same delays that occurred in getting this system flight safe .
5 I can not give credence to the 17 per cent .
6 I shall not give way to the hon. Gentleman at the moment ; not in this speech .
7 No , I shall not give way to the hon. Gentleman .
8 With regret , I can not give way to the hon. Gentleman on this occasion .
9 The district permission does not give approval to the layout plans submitted with the application or for any residential use in the building .
10 The English courts will not give effect to the acts of an unrecognised government …
11 The argument that the court should take account of the fact that the wearing of a seat belt would have caused other injuries of a different nature was rejected as a matter of principle in Patience v Andrews [ 1983 ] RTR 447 : it is respectfully submitted that this decision is wrong and does not give effect to the provision in s1 of the Law Reform ( Contributory Negligence ) Act 1945 , that damages should be reduced to such extent as the court thinks just and equitable .
12 I am a victim support counsellor and why is it that criminals get all the help you know when they do n't give help to the , the victims of crime ?
13 But note the crudity of that paragraph , which still does n't give credit to the head teachers and governors for the way in which they 've worked , and the success which they achieved .
14 Now jogging does n't give power to the big muscles of the body , it does n't do that so again you 'd you 'd have to be doing something which , that built up the power .
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