Example sentences of "[not/n't] give you the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 You came here once before asking questions and perhaps I did not give you the best answers . ’
2 However , this does not give you the automatic right to go overdrawn .
3 I can not give you the exact quantities you should use , for it will vary from one water to another according to the carp population .
4 Well okay it might be obvious but it does n't give you the right answer .
5 The other thing that tends to throw people the first time they every do ad advocacy is that you 're going to talk to somebody who will not talk to you , who will not s possibly even smile at you , who wo n't give you the usual feedback that we 're u that we 're used to when we 're talking to someone .
6 Even if you 're as good as a master they still wo n't give you the top black
7 I was talking on Sue , I was saying if you 've got a client who did n't give you the convenient forty two pounds , but said you 'd got forty or thirty pounds to spend , the first thing you 've got to do is take off the two pounds policy fee , so you 're left in this case , with thirty eight pounds .
8 Erm , another reason why I ca n't give you the whole story of course is because then there 'd be no reason to take this baby rather than this baby at the hospital , you know , so their histories are exactly identical , I E nil , erm , nothing individuates them on that account .
9 yeah , erm I would take a guess that there will be because we still have ambitions to shed a load of space so it would be advisable to re-fit to release further space we have another twenty six smaller stores that we have n't done at all yet other than put a so yes we 'll have an on-going re-fit programme I ca n't give you the exact details because erm how many it 's gon na be but there will be certainly an on-going re-fit programme .
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