Example sentences of "[not/n't] based on a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Unlike the other three types of scheme , the amount of pension you receive is not based on a fixed formula but ( within Inland Revenue limits ) is dependent on the investment performance of the fund into which your own and your employer 's contributions on your behalf have been paid .
2 Mr Bowman warned a moral panic not based on a real perception of the situation , could lead to bad or ineffective legislation .
3 It is crucial , therefore , that mathematics be recognised as being of less value if it is not based on a multicultural approach .
4 Her perception was not clearly defined by sensations and she made a value judgement not based on a logical process .
5 How workers understood work , therefore , was not based on a simple perception of its demands , but was refracted through available discourses on the nature of the wider society .
6 With reference to old people of over 75 , who are here our main concern , there is a further aspect of ageist stereotyping which is prevalent and regrettable ; that is , the tendency to make negative assumptions about the capacities of individual old people which are not based on a proper appraisal of their state .
7 Zimbabwe 's economy is not based on a single commodity like Zambia 's and it did not experience the mass exodus of whites and ‘ scorched earth ’ policies of the Portuguese in Mozambique and Angola .
8 Unlike realism , liberal pluralism is not based on a single set of ideas developed over time , but embraces a variety of approaches .
9 The purchaser may want the earnout to run for at least two years to ensure that the earnout payment is not based on a one-off peak in earnings .
10 These er er orders today are n't based on a thorough inquiry er into how audits on the the financial institutions are conducted , what 's wrong with them , what goes wrong , not even a thorough er inquiry into what happened in the B C C I case , er we ca n't legislate , we ca n't legi or regulate I put it without er er er a thorough inquiry and yet here we have er orders brought in er without inquiry .
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