Example sentences of "[not/n't] like [pers pn] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I 'm disturbed with what Phil says as he argues that we should trust staff but we would not like them knocking on doors .
2 The haste , perhaps , and the diffidence both , were encouraged by his wife , who did not like him to talk of Trade , considering it to be vulgar , and yet she was pleased to note that this casual reference to wealth met with a satisfactory , if silent , response .
3 She will not like me to refer to this time when she is better , Dorothea thought , she will avoid my company and we will only wish one another the most formal good morning .
4 I did n't put a blind up there cos we were so far away I do n't like them looking at your window
5 We did n't like them coming in the police station , they used to come into our parade room where our men were having food , and you can imagine them coming in a bit lousy and so on .
6 I do n't like them interfering with my normal business day . ’
7 ‘ I would n't like her to go into a Home …
8 She said she sometimes longed to go out , to a disco or an amusement arcade and be with other girls , but her uncle was strict and did n't like her going to those places , and although she was sometimes lonely she could n't stand the thought of going back to that school , especially now she had been away from it for so long because anyway her friends would n't be there any more and she would be treated like a little girl and the things they had to do would seem more stupid than ever because in her uncle s house she was treated like a grown-up , which she was anyway , and she ran the house .
9 She was never as strict as his Dad and she did n't like him getting in the way in the waiting-room .
10 If she did n't like him talking to Mrs Wright , she would n't like him meeting her friend and going into her house .
11 She did n't like him sitting on her cushions or dirtying her nice clean towels or weeing in her water closet or dripping on her bleached oak vinyl tiled floor .
12 My husband did n't like me talking about the theatre although he had encouraged me to do so when we were courting .
13 I know that you do n't like me talking about Ross , ’ she 'd added apologetically , ‘ but he really has been very kind and generous . ’
14 I rather liked the name ‘ Louise ’ but not the snowballs , and from that day on until I left school the girls who did n't like me called after me : ‘ There goes Miss Louise . ’
15 I thought , he does n't like me playing at ‘ us ’ against ‘ her ’ .
16 ‘ Your wife wo n't like you acting as my second skin . ’
17 ‘ She 'd probably heard rumours , and did n't like you fraternizing with the enemy camp . ’
18 The other night cos I did n't like you wrote about telling Gwyneth about I do n't like the Chronicles of Narnia .
19 They still do n't like you co-habiting with er
20 they , those people do n't like it altered in any way do they ?
21 I 'd never do that to anybody and I do n't like it happening to me . ’
22 He 's not so , he does n't like it coming to schools any more .
23 The men did n't like us to sit on the platform .
24 He does n't like us talking like this .
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