Example sentences of "[not/n't] want [to-vb] the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 It has taken five years to get this one right and the Government will not want to repeat the mistakes of the mid-1980s when Nigel Lawson thought he had beaten inflation , only to discover that it was just sleeping .
2 The generally low-key Libyan response suggests that Col Gaddafi is intent on riding out the sanctions and does not want to repeat the mistakes of President Saddam Hussein of Iraq , who provoked the West last year by taking foreign workers hostage as ‘ human shields ’ .
3 Although it has kept NATO 's military command at arm 's length all these years , France does not want to see the Americans , still the basis of Europe 's security and stability , pull out completely .
4 Voters do not want to see the Tories achieve their ultimate goal the destruction of the NHS , the welfare state and a return to Victorian-style society .
5 If you do not want to lose the patterns currently in the knitting machine , you can upload them to DesignaKnit and save them on to disk , ready to be downloaded back to the knitting machine when required .
6 ‘ I do not want to labour the failures of the past but I do want to emphasise that many of the problems that are now being tackled are the legacy of past management failure . ’
7 Olszewski was cited as saying that the new coalition did not want to overthrow the authorities and was not oriented towards a putsch .
8 Olszewski was cited as saying that the new coalition did not want to overthrow the authorities and was not oriented towards a putsch .
9 Assistant chief leisure services officer Mick Hannon said the Council did not want to replace the competitions already being held .
10 He does not want to say the words out loud .
11 The polls show that about 70 per cent of American troops do not want to risk the lives of American troops to achieve such goals .
12 You will not want to leave the needles in holding position so you must learn how to return them , since this will give you the reverse of the shaping .
13 A gently sloping edge or ramp leading into the water is vital if you do not want to endanger the hedgehogs that visit your garden .
14 ‘ We do not want to fight the Syrians any more , ’ he said .
15 It is no wonder that the right hon. and learned Member for Monklands , East does not want to hear the facts about Government spending on science and technology .
16 ‘ I do not want to know the details .
17 It does not surprise me that the Minister does not want to know the facts .
18 We do not want to diminish the opportunities of local people to consult on the plans , and I do not believe that we have cut corners in the way that the hon. Gentleman implied .
19 ‘ You do n't want to let the cops walk all over you , ’ he growled .
20 He did n't want to let the kids down .
21 I do n't want to detail the mistakes I made and quite clearly I have done things quite differently the second time around — otherwise , I 'd probably have been out of a job again at Sheffield Wednesday .
22 After all , we do n't want to put the passengers off their lobster Thermidor , do we ? ’
23 ‘ Basic computer keyboard skills have to be there — we would n't want to go the lengths of having to train them on that — but training on our specialist software means bringing them in for a week and we 'll probably bring them in every three months to keep updating them . ’
24 ‘ No wonder Shrub did n't want to take the geese any closer . ’
25 The Ballerina series comprises three eating apples , all derived from ‘ Golden Delicious ’ which maybe accounts for their unremarkable flavour , and a very attractive crab called ‘ Maypole ’ which can be left to grow as tall as you like if you do n't want to pick the fruits .
26 We 're new boys in town , do n't want to upset the locals , now , do we . ’
27 ‘ I do n't want to criticise the officials and we have to abide by what they say , but from where we were sitting it looked like a strange decision . ’
28 If the Labour Party , if the Labour Party want our money then we want some influence and we do n't , and we , and if they do n't want to represent the views of our members they can do without our money .
29 Tailors ' labels usually are n't printed — the name is generally woven in ; They were n't taking any chances — they did n't want to risk the clothes being identified if anything went wrong . "
30 I do n't want to touch the girls ' bodies .
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