Example sentences of "[not/n't] be [verb] until the " in BNC.

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1 The full impact of the reforms will not be felt until the mid-1990s .
2 At about 1 a.m. word passed through the encampment that we would not be boarding until the morning .
3 As I said last week , he c he er made it appear to the British that he s sought to control the channel ports and with a large navy was then capable of interfering with our trade and in in indeed mounting an invasion , and that brought Britain into a war which could not be ended until the Germans sued for surrender and vice versa .
4 The closing date for entry is Thursday 28th February but the draw will not be made until the day after the team itself is selected on 26 August .
5 Planning and Co-ordination Minister Samuel Doria Medina admitted in late September that final decisions on companies to be sold in the defence area would not be made until the very end of Zamora 's mandate ; presidential and congressional elections were scheduled for June 6 , 1993 .
6 A poor rule will not be penalised until the Nth attempt at search , where N is the number of states in the entire search subspace accessible through this rule .
7 The other paths have , by definition , some slack in them and some slippage can be tolerated as the end date will not be affected until the slippage results in the job becoming part of a new critical path .
8 The other paths have , by definition , some slack in them and some slippage can be tolerated as the end date will not be affected until the slippage results in the job becoming part of a new critical path .
9 IBM Corp will launch two new Thinkpad laptops within the next couple of weeks according to documents seen by Computerworld : the paper says the new ThinkPad 720 and 720C machines will be based on the current Model 700s with faster 25/50MHz 486SLC2 processors , 160Mb hard disks and management facilities that bump battery life up to 7.75 hours on the monochrome and 4.8 hours on the colour version ; the new machines also have improved peripheral support , with space for either two PCMCIA type 2 cards or a single type 3 ; a new sub-notebook computer is also ready , but will not be announced until the summer .
10 He and a business partner , Benedict Marsh , also found guilty , will not be sentenced until the end of a forthcoming VAT evasion trial involving alleged gold smuggling in which they are defendants .
11 Urquhart says the board 's new figures can not be assessed until the research on which it is based is published in full .
12 Final offers will not be opened until the contracted offer deadline , when subject to the replies received and the specific provisos and amendments sought , the vendors will choose the preferred bidder with whom to complete the transaction on the basis of the highest offer submitted .
13 Competition has been healthy rather than intense , and results are that close in some of the classes , that the overall winners will not be known until the Sunday evening .
14 These were exemplified in the Government 's Broadcasting Bill which became law last October , but in reality can not be resolved until the next century .
15 At the current rate , the job may not be finished until the 1990s .
16 The complete interior of the house could not be occupied until the final months of 1985 and the owners stayed for only one further year before the challenge of converting a local barn tempted them away !
17 They must begin teaching a syllabus this September to pupils who will sit their exams in 1994 , but the exam fee will not be set until the end of next year .
18 It can be quite difficult , however , to arrange to film next year 's ice cream commercial this August , in order to be sure of sunshine and leaves on the trees , because decisions on products to be advertised might not be taken until the end of the current season .
19 The films may not be released until the following year and probably will not break even ( including interest costs ) until three years after that .
20 Ann Smith , who was at junior school in Haltwhistle , Northumberland , remembers : ‘ I know I felt really sad but the thought of a Coronation cheered me up a little bit until I found out it would not be held until the following year .
21 However , the airline 's firm orders for 20 Airbus A321 medium-range jets and 28 McDonnell Douglas jets will not be delivered until the mid-1990s , and unlike some other European airlines , Alitalia is thought vulnerable for want of international partners and a strategy for deregulation of the European market after 1992 .
22 Although most people wo n't be affected until the summer .
23 His selection fate wo n't be resolved until the trials meeting .
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