Example sentences of "[not/n't] qualify [prep] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 As the eminent nursing historian Monica E. Baly points out , in the nineteenth century sense nursing did not qualify for professional status : ‘ … nurses were not independent practitioners and indeed , the insistence on obedience was anti-ethical to independence and self-sufficiency ’ .
2 At the second Special General Meeting held at Keele University on September 12th , the proposal to create a register of Dormant Members for members who cease active participation of funeral or embalming work but do not qualify for Retired Membership status was rejected .
3 They had been told they did not qualify for 13 weeks ' money under benefit regulations .
4 Retail developments will not qualify for industrial buildings allowances .
5 This was drawn up on account of the difficulty which the negotiators at The Hague had in agreeing whether or not irregular forces in occupied territory might or might not qualify for combatant status , but its words have a wider relevance :
6 The Civil Justice Review , on examining the arguments , recognised the need to assist people who do not qualify for legal aid funding , drew attention to the major advances that had been made in regulation policy so as probably to be able to control a contingency fee system and , on the basis of competition policy , considered whether it would be more desirable to devise more limited schemes under which lawyers would have a stake in the outcome of a case as an incentive .
7 The income eligibility limit ( above which a person does not qualify for legal aid ) in fact remains unchanged at £6,800 for a non-reparation case and £7,500 for a reparation case .
8 Minors could not qualify for free shares under the terms of the recent Abbey conversion to a public limited company .
9 Gifts made within three years of death do not qualify for any relief and the tax will have to be paid in full .
10 This , however , is a misleading picture because many unemployed married women do not register with the employment exchanges because they do not qualify for any benefit .
11 Clearly compensation for people on low incomes is to be aimed only at those on income support , even though many disabled people have extra heating costs associated with their disability , and many others on low incomes , such as pensioners , may narrowly miss out because of small savings or because they do not qualify for means-tested benefits , but still live at income support level .
12 Age-related widows ' pension is for younger widows , who do not qualify for full rate .
13 Which only goes to show ( so it is said ) that existential propositions are general propositions , or else they do not qualify as genuine propositions at all .
14 Although this habit does not qualify as conventional tool use , the behaviour of the Egyptian vulture certainly does .
15 They can be objects of thought-acts in reflective consciousness , but they do not qualify as ontological existents .
16 Similarly , most villages today do not qualify by these standards — most are suburban or retirement centres , not more than half a dozen practise communal agriculture , and most do not even have working farms in them .
17 Two months after the military crackdown in Beijing in June 1989 , it was announced that university student intake would be cut from 640,000 to 610,000 in the next academic year , and that " specialities mainly in the social science fields which the State has deemed for a long time to have turned out personnel not qualified for socialist construction " would be suspended .
18 Designated accessible polling stations , er will themselves have to cover fifty percent or so of a constituency initially and people will be allowed to have access to a designated station if their own station is one that has not qualified at that time , although the aim will be a hundred percent designated er polling stations with full access .
19 Since right up until the first census in 1801 the increase in population was not generally perceived , much contemporary comment was not qualified by this relationship .
20 In theory , people who took out their cards before July 1977 — the date when the Consumer Credit Act became effective — and who still use the same cards , do n't qualify for this protection under their initial contract .
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