Example sentences of "[not/n't] able [to-vb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Happy though he was , Ya'acov wanted very much to be together with Solly , his brother , and the Maggses were not able to accommodate the two of them .
2 I was not able to join the hon. Gentleman on his visit to Strangeways , but the Committee decided to initiate an inquiry and report into precisely what happened at Strangeways .
3 If I am not able to visit the Western Isles in the near future , I shall certainly act on his suggestion that we should send a team of Scottish Office officials and that will be arranged as soon as is reasonably practicable .
4 These mechanisms were not able to offset the net sodium secretion induced by CT , however , which occurred despite net water absorption .
5 Unfortunately , Wesker was struck by another ( albeit minor ) disaster : Teomi was not able to attend the first day of rehearsals because Wesker had forgotten , when writing his schedule , that it was also Yom Kippur .
6 The coffee bar evangelist had identified with Church C to the extent of becoming a member , but as a newcomer he was not able to influence the traditional pattern of Sunday worship .
7 Inasmuch as the appellant is not able to establish the necessary twelve years adverse possession , a decision on this question is strictly obiter , but as the judge has dealt with the point and counsel have argued it before us I will not conclude without making some reference to it .
8 Often students with babies or young children are not able to pay the full cost of a place at a crèche , so usually alternative funding is required .
9 However , this is only the case because Marx was not able to ascertain the correct proportions between .
10 These questions are designed to encourage debate and make students aware that in a world of uncertainty accounting is not able to provide the definitive answer .
11 Thoughtful people who are not able to buy the simplistic analysis are written off with contemptuous slogans like ‘ If you are n't part of the solution you are part of the problem ’ .
12 ‘ This equipment will prove very useful in testing premature babies we suspect might have hearing problems but who are not able to have the normal tests , ’ he said .
13 Branson was not able to inspire the same sense of esprit de corps among the hastily assembled team of Event journalists as he had always done among the staff at Virgin , and the magazine quickly became rife with internecine dispute and conspiracy theories .
14 Almost simultaneously de Gasperi died ; his successors were not able to stamp the same authority on Italian foreign policy .
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