Example sentences of "[not/n't] appear on the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The one redress any of the members of this group have is to try not to appear on the poll tax register .
2 Refused cases will not appear on the waiting list .
3 If you consider that your name should not appear on the Register , or if you disagree with the details shown in your entry then you have the right to appeal .
4 Further , wives ' legal access to the marital home has been improved by the recent practices of divorce courts which have more often allowed the wife to claim possession of a portion of the marital home even if her name did not appear on the title deeds .
5 Part success — some learning outcomes achieved , the module does not appear on the candidate 's RET but details of outcomes achieved are issued ;
6 warning lights do not appear on the dashboard unless they are actually needed , thereby giving priority to essential information such as vehicle speed , engine speed and fuel .
7 However , even if the bureau has the typeface it may well not appear on the output due to the vagaries of Apple 's font numbering system .
8 If , however , people receive income and do not declare it in tax returns , it will not appear on the income side , though expenditure will increase as the unrecorded income is spent on goods and services .
9 The Savoyard himself did not appear on the day , apparently because he was unsure whether to give precedence to the representative of the king of Bohemia ( the " Winter King " Frederick of the Palatinate ) ; but his absence at once made the Venetian ambassador fear that Savoy , perhaps with French or Spanish help , was intriguing to threaten the precedence claimed by the republic .
10 Nor does the imputation take account of people who did not appear on the Census form returned for their household ; the extent of the undercount , and the approximate breakdown of the missing persons by age and sex , can be estimated by comparison with the Registrar-General 's population estimates ( Census Newsletter , October 1992 ) , but no further adjustment to the statistics has been made .
11 Light gauge string sets which included a plain third did not appear on the market until the late '60s .
12 Sequent 's new hardware will not appear on the market until Microsoft releases NT .
13 At the open meeting , Council reviewed the procedures for electing the Institute 's vice-president , voting to allow canvassing by nominees but deciding that the names of nominators should not appear on the voting papers .
14 Then I have to assume that your name does not appear on the club champion 's board .
15 After the password is entered ( it does not appear on the screen for security reasons ) , the ENTER ( or RETURN ) key should be pressed to indicate completion of the Log On page .
16 Characters printed in this way do not appear on the screen .
17 If you are afraid that you , or someone you know , could be threatened with violence if your name appears in the Public Extract of the Poll Tax Register , you can ask that your name does not appear on the Extract .
18 * Candidate did not appear on the ballot .
19 One or two delegations pleaded that since the UK proposal that ‘ the State whose nationals comprised more than fifty per cent of the passengers should be entitled to appoint an accredited representative to participate in the accident investigation ’ had not appeared on the agenda published by ICAO , they had not been briefed how to respond .
20 The president 's banquet and ball is £22.50 , chicken giblets has so far not appeared on the agenda , and the bowls is on Tuesday afternoon .
21 This is only the start , however , as many potential mark points wo n't appear on the map : at some stage you have to follow up with fieldwork .
22 A peek in the waste containers at the end of the lunch break is a good indicator of what should n't appear on the menu in future .
23 ‘ I want to know what she was like , and I want to clear up some questions which have been puzzling me and which do n't appear on the record . ’
24 Apparently J P Woods had a very large female workforce , and a lot of those women were married and therefore not eligible to claim benefits when they 're out of work , and therefore do n't appear on the unemployment statistics .
25 What would have happened if Septimus Taylor had n't appeared on the scene when he did ?
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