Example sentences of "[not/n't] [adv] [verb] access to " in BNC.

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1 This analysis of the dominant building styles of our society suggests that a set of representations derived from the interests and perspectives of a particular group in society not only denies access to this aspect of culture to alternative perspectives , but at the same time causes these representations to appear to be the image of those who have been excluded .
2 The scene can be " replayed " in ways suggested by the spectators , as if the spectators not only have access to the rewind button of a video recorder , but can also change what is enacted before them .
3 And it needs not only to provide access to files or data , but actually to connect applications running anywhere on the network — and through the application , to connect the minds that are putting the applications to work .
4 These tools should enable all children , not only to gain access to the curriculum but also to allow and encourage them to respond to it in a way which clearly expresses their understanding .
5 If one takes this as a statement obliquely concerning the Marxist political project , it has a certain validity , in that it brings out the difference between Marxism and ‘ meritocratic ’ , or social-democratic notions of ‘ equality of opportunity ’ : the Marxist project is not merely to allow access to the privileged classes for the most ‘ able ’ individuals from all sections of society , but to transform the class structure ( to eliminate private possession of the major means of production and hierarchical management , and to institute a democratically socialised appropriation ) .
6 Consequently , 20 smaller cities and their surrounds , which would not normally have access to world-class exhibitions , would have a permanent , but changing , Prado exhibition .
7 A special link is used in conjunction with passwords and allows users who do not normally have access to a user 's modules without supplying a valid password ( as they are in a different branch of the user tree ) .
8 Pool can not yet gain access to your machine .
9 Hauge says his assessment is still incomplete , since he has not yet had access to Soviet military records .
10 Although , at this stage , there is still some mismatch between policy and practice since the research findings revealed that some children do not yet have access to an effective modern language curriculum .
11 Each major opera company in this country has an outreach and education programme and the Arts Council 's touring programme supports clients who take opera to areas of the country which would not otherwise have access to it .
12 if your set wo n't always have access to an external aerial , it may be worth buying a separate indoor aerial ( about £10 ) to improve the picture
13 You ca n't even get access to most of the polling stations . ’
14 Mmm , well we do n't particularly want access to exempted from the procedure .
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