Example sentences of "[not/n't] [adv] in [art] position " in BNC.

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1 could clearly make some kind of differentiation between a conglomerate paying V A T or some such tax whereas er the exception could be made to those people who are not clearly in a position to make er er to say that .
2 As a result , supervisors are not often in a position to make first-hand assessments of an officer 's skills in the field ; they have to learn indirectly about his work , his negotiating abilities , the demands he makes , and his integrity .
3 True , Alfred was not now in a position to contradict her , but why should she lie ?
4 The County Council as I 'm aware was not actually consulted on these particular applications , and therefore I 'm not really in a position to be able to comment as what the County Council 's position .
5 I am not really in a position to write this column .
6 Jane also felt she was not really in a position to refuse : ‘ I was missing the fifth years , which meant I had lots of ‘ free time ’ , so I was in a position where really I could n't refuse to do it . ’
7 because their husbands have made these settlements , often at very emotional times when the women were not really in a position to really make sure they
8 I 'm not here in the position of a butcher .
9 We are not yet in a position , therefore , to replace Marx 's and Engels 's view with a clear alternative specifying under what conditions a society based on slavery is likely to occur , but similarly we can not accept Marx 's and Engels 's theory fully .
10 In his statement , chairman John Slater says that the major problems relating to the group 's past have now been dealt with , but that the directors are not yet in a position to recommend the payment of a dividend .
11 The other major point , which we are not yet in a position to discuss , relates to the state of competition and potential competition in the industry .
12 Given my concentration so far on the possession/separation issue , and its relation to the circulation process , and given my earlier insistence that economic class relations at the level of possession/separation can not be conceived as the underlying ‘ essence ’ of social and political collectivities and movements , which demand analysis in their own right , I am not yet in a position to draw full ‘ political conclusions ’ ( the following chapters will take us some way further in this direction ) .
13 Important though the right hon. Gentleman is , he is not yet in a position to issue invitations to visit Royal Air Force stations .
14 As a result these bodies are not yet in a position to influence the preparation of individual groups of students for higher education .
15 We are clearly not yet in a position to state confidently whether a distinctly British variety of West Indian Creole has emerged , whether there is any geographical variation within Britain , or whether the various island differences continue to exert an influence on the language of second and third generation West Indians .
16 The people I deal with in the hospital every day are n't usually in a position to make choices . ’
17 I told him he was n't really in a position to look after the dog properly , and he finally agreed .
18 Erm and therefore the , the , the peasant was n't yet in a position where , my God this is not another land ran land reform
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