Example sentences of "[not/n't] [adj] to use the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 For this reason of re-programming , it is not possible to use the Form area of the E6000 's program when working with very large designs .
2 It was recognised that it was not possible to use the ballot results to decide on the continuation of the campaign .
3 ‘ Unlike the Labour Party we are not afraid to use the P-word — punishment . ’
4 This is the president who has this wonderful rhetoric about states and federalism and , you know , the rights of states , but he was , he himself was not afraid to use the power of the federal government to try and lever the states into line and it worked , you know , we 're talking serious money here .
5 Maazel is not ashamed to use the word ‘ love ’ in relation to Puccini .
6 Pupils should come to understand that because writers are not able to use the voice to emphasise key points in a sentence , they have to use a wide range of grammatical structures ( such as the passive , or other alterations of word order ) to bring about the desired emphasis .
7 If we just win freedom that freedom will become very empty if we 're not able to use the power that it gives us to create justice and peace in the region .
8 It is not necessary to use the form to make a defence , the defendant only needs to submit some document indicating that the claim is disputed .
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