Example sentences of "[not/n't] [verb] anything [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Whilst LIFESPAN will not modify anything in this directory except its own files , the upgrade instructions may assume that only LIFESPAN files are to be found here .
2 He did n't want to exacerbate what he saw as an existing weakness of his own in that respect , and although he was not censorious of other people , I think he was genuinely quite frightened of it , and at one point in the Arts Lab , when there was quite a lot of speed pills , amphetamines , going around amongst the young people there , he did speak out very strongly one evening against it , saying that he personally did not want anything like that around anything he was closely involved with because he felt that it was not a good thing for people to be speeding and it created the sort of vibes that might end up causing problems .
3 ‘ I 've not heard anything about this . ’
4 I had not heard anything about these guys .
5 If so , why is that we have not heard anything from all those other civilizations out there ?
6 A mere description , that organisms stay the same for millions of years and then rapidly change , does not explain anything in this time of our rapidly growing understanding of genetic mechanisms .
7 I myself did not know anything about this and having checked with Gillyan Ford and all Publicity Assistants , found that they too had had no previous indication of the requirement to scan adverts .
8 We did not expect anything like this could happen in such a small village like Littleover .
9 We can not do anything about domestic events now , but certainly we would be keen to shown them .
10 If the government is locked into a policy of expanding the money supply at some pre-announced rate it can not do anything about this possibly severe recession .
11 Mr Koc said : ‘ If you gave me the whole of Istanbul I would not do anything like that .
12 Mr Koc said : ‘ If you gave me the whole of Istanbul I would not do anything like that .
13 If you do not do anything like this , but on the other hand you do walk a fair amount each day ( to the shops , to work , etc. ) record either the distance or the time spent in walking each day .
14 The Bill was brought forward in response to the outcry from consumers and the industry about the way that , over the years , they have been ripped off by the privatised utilities and the fact that , while the regulators have made a contribution — no one would deny that — they have not done anything like enough and do not have the necessary power or resources to advance consumer interests and issues .
15 ‘ We have not seen anything of this kind in Britain , ’ added the Commission 's Head of Site Studies .
16 She could not feel anything at all — the anaesthetic having done its job — and she could not see anything as her eyes were tightly closed .
17 But EEI President Thomas Kuhn acknowledged that even the most optimistic environmentalists do not believe anything like that number of electric vehicles will be on the streets , even in the next 20 years .
18 If you do not understand anything in this document you should go to a solicitor , or Legal Advice Centre or a Citizen 's Advice Bureau .
19 269 did not look anything like enough ; and when West Indies reached 260 for 1 it looked positively minute .
20 With a turnover rate of 3000 gph , a 12-month guarantee and running costs similar to other pumps that can not claim anything like that water-shifting capability , the Omua looks a winner .
21 Do not be disappointed if you do not see anything of either of these events .
22 All hon. Members are consumed by analysing how much money has been spent and whether more money will be made available for particular services , but we do not spend anything like enough time considering whether that money is well spent .
23 But she could not remember anything at all about them .
24 You have another country along that coast , Nigeria , which has just got to the stage where it 's got through its forest and it 's not exporting anything at all , if anything it 's importing .
25 We were not expecting anything like that . ’
26 That proposition has much support among lawyers , and even more among laymen , but our sample cases show that it does not command anything like universal assent among judges in the United States .
27 It left a very deep scar on the community and people are determined not to let anything like that happen again ’ .
28 It is now clear that the review has not reached anything like that stage of progress .
29 Expressed in another way , in attributing existence to an entity one is not saying anything about that entity that has not already been said by naming it .
30 ‘ I 'm not saying anything at all about him . ’
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