Example sentences of "[adv prt] to the other side " in BNC.

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1 Yes well the , the question is that I notice in the assets that investments at cost were twenty five million , the present market value is twenty eight million , indeed since that 's been written it may even be more and when I looked down to the other side of the accounts , I noticed interest on capital of twelve hundred and four pounds and I wonder where the interest from the twenty eight million has gone to .
2 The lyrics deal with teenage frustrations and breaking through to the other side .
3 One after another , men failed in their attempts to drive the nails , usually succeeding in bending them , so I was proud when Dad , using the skill gained over so many years at the anvil , gave his nail an almighty thump sending it through to the other side of the board .
4 The trouble was that the salt had permeated the walls and penetrated through to the other side , where beads of moisture coming through the plaster accounted for the detachment of the wallpaper , which by this time was hanging loose in a depressing and derelict manner .
5 It 's much easier to get through to the other side of the world than to the other side of London , and the lines are much clearer too .
6 Just as it began to break we burst through to the other side and we were safe into smoother water .
7 ‘ One more thing ! ’ his voice stopped her before she made it through to the other side .
8 Just give you one quick smack and that 'll be through to the other side !
9 ‘ Ah ! ’ she says , and then goes over to the other side of the shop .
10 I go back over to the other side .
11 When it goes past I want to run over to the other side of the bridge , but there 's too much traffic to cross the road , so I just watch the trail of water it leaves behind .
12 If one of these groups were to go over to the other side — as the army did in Romania — the balance of forces would be altered .
13 Lee slipped off the bike and Philip wheeled it over to the other side of the road .
14 They stopped and surveyed the scene ; the other dropped the umbrella , offered a hand , and he , clasping the camera firmly in one hand , drew himself up , balanced , then reached over to the other side .
15 In reality this may not be the case : the explanation could simply be that the camera position for the second shot has been shifted over to the other side of the path .
16 ‘ Gone over to the other side ? ’
17 ‘ You need to hit the ball hard to get out but if you hit it too well , you go over to the other side of the green …
18 Hari was tired , she had worked all day and then walked over to the other side of town and back and now there was supper to get .
19 That done , he leans over to the other side and does the same thing with his other hand and foot so that both his palms and his soles are anointed with his pungent urine .
20 just over to the other side .
21 I went over to the other side . ’
22 They aimed to pass over to the other side of the stockade through the gap between one section and the other , where the bridge spanned the stream .
23 Rosa flung herself over to the other side of the bed .
24 He moved over to the other side of the office and had begun searching through a well-stocked bookshelf when the phone on his desk rang close by Folly 's hand .
25 Okay , over to the other side .
26 Over to the other side , erm .
27 Er , right , over to the other side .
28 ‘ Very good ! and oh ! up jumps the bee and goes buzzing over to the other side — to — to Max 's book , and he says to Max , bzz , bzz Mr Max , have you got any flowers for me to eat ? and Max says — ssh , can you hear him … ? ’
29 The play moved over to the other side of the field and they stopped their conversation for a moment to follow it .
30 A lot of the tourists go over to the other side of the island , but I 'm afraid we 'll have to save that for another trip when we have more time . ’
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