Example sentences of "[adv prt] [prep] the hands [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In other words ‘ the Russian revolution will create conditions in which power can pass in to the hands of the workers … before the politicians of bourgeois liberalism get the chance to display to the full their talent for governing ’ .
2 The British of course , oppress us ; they virtually handed us over into the hands of the Afrikaners , the descendents of the Dutch settlers .
3 Oranges that are to be peeled and eaten should also be washed , because the fungicide is contained in a wax layer which comes off on the hands during peeling and then contaminates the fruit .
4 A blurred picture taken with a slow-speed camera shows that the clubhead has , indeed , caught up with the hands at address , a fact that the high-speed camera fails to detect .
5 " For which our Lord Jesus Christ was contented to be betrayed , and given up into the hands of wicked men , and to suffer death upon the cross .
6 The mushrooming of aid budgets in the 1970s turned aid into a fairly important source of business for some small and medium-sized companies in Europe and elsewhere , indicated by the formation of pressure groups in many European Community ( EC ) countries to ensure that an increased proportion of national aid budgets ended up in the hands of that country 's exporters .
7 ASK any hard-headed financier , and he will tell you that debt relief never works : public money given to help struggling debtor nations will end up in the hands of the lenders — the banks whose over-readiness to lend helped to land the debtors in trouble in the first place .
8 Fear that information will end up in the hands of competitors .
9 Though they 've slipped up lately , there is still hope that the Premier League will end up in the hands of the sort of club that the likes of Arsenal , Everton and Manchester United were trying to exclude in the first place .
10 When a group of anti-embargo Americans organised a flotilla of 13 boats carrying aid to church organisations in Cuba from the Florida Keys on April 24th , right-wing groups were convinced that the stuff would end up in the hands of Mr Castro and the armed forces .
11 Trouble came after 1973 when much of the credits landed up in the hands of oil-producing sheiks who did not know how to spend all this new-found wealth .
12 On March 31 a parcel bomb blew up in the hands of a retired air force colonel in Madrid , in what was believed to be an ETA retaliation for the arrests .
13 I there is a worry of course , that , er County Farms if we happen to end up in three unitary authorities , could be said to be not a core activity of those three new authorities , especially the core of an urban one , and it may be that if we 're not careful the County Farm estate can end up in the hands of the residuary body for sale , and I think what we 're looking , asking Mr to do , is to find ways of , of moving it forward , without ha falling into that net , which may not be what we want .
14 The remains of a letterbomb which blew up in the hands of farmer Colin French .
15 In front of me , the noble tradition lives on in the hands of a middle-aged commuter who , peering intently into his 101 Puzzles and Games for Boys , is joining up the dots incorrectly .
16 Perhaps it would be better if the sport of boundary disputing was taken out of the hands of lawyers who are , by nature , adversarial .
17 Contracts were shortened and meat prices restrained ; the meat plant was nationalized and the export distribution channel lost ; the issue of land tenure for pastoralists became submerged in the much bigger ujamaa re-settlement programme of 1975 ; and livestock buying at markets was taken out of the hands of the traditional Somali buyers and for the most part placed in the hands of state agents .
18 McLeish grunted , feeling meanly triumphant that he had turned out to be right in his view that Francesca would not be able to sweep Tristram out of the hands of the New York police in quite the Napoleonic way she had assumed .
19 They are proposing a scheme for keeping foreign , defence and home-office issues out of the hands of EC institutions and subject to control by European summits .
20 And the time is long past when the question of who deserves what was taken out of the hands of politicians and time-serving bureaucrats and given to a genuinely independent and truly meritorious body which might set about trying to put honour back into the honours system .
21 Melchet Forest in Wiltshire finally passed out of the hands of the Crown in 1614 , when it was leased to Sir Lawrence Hyde , and in the same year John Waller and Thomas Purcell received a grant of Pamber Forest in Hampshire , ‘ consisting of the soil only , the woods being sold away and the deer gone ’ .
22 Election Comment : Albany at Large : Bring back Tebbit THERE is just time for the Tories to take the direction of the election out of the hands of a lot of Central Office schoolboys and to make Norman Tebbit their supremo .
23 A useful initiative taken at this time was the establishment of the Great Britain-East Europe Centre , designed to take cultural relations out of the hands of the ‘ Friendship Societies ’ which had restricted visitors from the ‘ People 's Democracies ’ to contact with groups of fellow-travellers in this country .
24 Once the transactions were over — transactions which had taken this house out of the hands of the Darlington family after two centuries — Mr Farraday let it be known that he would not be taking up immediate residence here , but would spend a further four months concluding matters in the United States .
25 Moreover , legislation associated with improving workers ' rights in Germany took control many of the important details of university life , such as departmental policy and appointments , out of the hands of the heads of departments and transferred them to committees of faculty members at all levels .
26 BRITISH AEROSPACE believes that by taking decisions out of the hands of the pilot it can reduce the amount of noise that an aircraft makes .
27 Initially , it seemed that control of surveyors ' education would pass out of the hands of the membership of the Institution and into those of the academics .
28 The manor passed out of the hands of the Archbishop and into the hands of the Crown in 1545 .
29 As compared with the way in which computing is usually taken out of the hands of machinists when CNC machine tools are introduced , consideration was given in the optical company to the idea of persuading the operators who cut the surfaces of the lenses to do some of their own computing , and even to the idea of installing computing facilities in the surfacing room itself .
30 ‘ Keep them out of the hands of the police , that 's the thing .
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