Example sentences of "[adv prt] [prep] [art] window [subord] " in BNC.

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1 She had no need to worry about making herself understood , though , she realised , for no sooner had the casually but expensively dressed dark-haired man bent down to the window than in faultless English he was commenting easily , ‘ Having trouble ? ’
2 ‘ I think we must get that husband of yours to lop a few branches off outside the window before you go blind , ’ he says to Rose , to demonstrate the terms he is on with her .
3 Two recent cases of young Arabs dying while in police custody ( one of whom fell out of a window while being interrogated ) have added to this impression .
4 It would involve crawling out of a window while nobody was looking and trusting in the spirit of Christmas goodwill should we be discovered .
5 PCs Steve Woolway and Lynn Bishop glanced out of the window while having breakfast in the canteen — and nearly choked on their bacon and eggs .
6 Larry Cummins recollected , ‘ I was looking out of the window while seated at my navigator 's table , and I saw a sizeable hole suddenly appear in the left wing .
7 She paced the room , staring out of the window until the view became too monotonous to continue watching , looking at her watch and at the door , and was about to leave when she heard the porter turning the key in the lock .
8 By this time it was the middle of the night and there were no lights showing , so I doubt whether anyone saw me mooning out of the window as we sped past but my car horn has been adapted to play Andrew Lloyd-Webber 's arrangement of Purcell at deafening volume and we had fun with that for a bit .
9 Many of the rules for knitting these stitches on single bed go out of the window as soon as you bring the second bed into operation .
10 All pretence at unity went out of the window as close Cabinet colleagues traded insults over the future of the pound and Britain 's place in the EC .
11 He turned to look at Myeloski , peering urgently out of the window as the traffic stacked up and made movement impossible , and knew that he had nothing in common with these people , nothing that could be shared because of his blood .
12 He peered out of the window as the machine rose into the now-moonless night .
13 The very sight of the sign at the head of the platform , shabby and tourist and third class though it was compared with that of the Golden Arrow at the other end of the station , was enough to raise her to a state she had never reached before , and as the train moved south , she sat in her seat and stared out of the window as though in a trance .
14 But I looked out of the window as I spoke to him .
15 He is sitting there now , fat and inanimate as a sack of flour , staring out of the window as the lights come on .
16 William gazed out of the window as they drove through what used to be called The Village and was now just another suburban shopping centre .
17 She saw us as allies and babbled to us in a mixture of French and Arabic throughout the hymns , then sighed loudly and looked out of the window as the prayers droned on .
18 ‘ See you , ’ yelled Jacqui out of the window as the great car roared off .
19 She glanced out of the window as they drew into Kensal Green station .
20 He looked away , pretending to stare out of the window as he began to summarise his conclusions .
21 She nodded , disappointed that he was being so matter-of-fact , and , pulling herself together , she stared out of the window as the headlights shone on the hedges and fields of the countryside they were passing through .
22 Once a craft becomes a business , half the pleasure goes out of the window if one has to worry about making enough money to maintain a reasonable standard of living .
23 I asked the officer who was looking out of the window if there was a curfew .
24 I could not have looked out of the window if I had tried , the chores were all done , and there was nothing whatever to do except sit at that table and write .
25 ‘ Scrimping and saving goes out of the window if there 's a special occasion - and women here are especially label conscious .
26 ‘ That goes out of the window when you become an outlaw .
27 In fact , plans to slow down before going on maternity leave went out of the window when C&R became involved in its most significant transaction to date — the rescue and restructuring of another quoted property company .
28 ‘ You looked out of the window when we were on the Concorde .
29 She told him , hearing her voice sharp , cold , ‘ It flew out of the window when Mama died . ’
30 I was standing up , offering to go downstairs to get more drinks , and glancing out of the window when I saw Jo .
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