Example sentences of "[adv prt] [art] sheet [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Mr. Crowther put down the sheet of paper he was holding and picked up another .
2 After sending in a tape , with a biography , contact address and a photo , a useful approach can be to update the A&R department every time your band does one or a series of gigs. send in a sheet of paper personally addressed to your target A&R person .
3 She was looking exhilarated herself , sitting up in bed with a welter of papers before her , her pen laboriously scratching over a sheet of parchment .
4 He turned to go but Talbot stopped him as a seaman entered and handed over a sheet of paper .
5 As they crossed Chelsea Bridge Blanche sank her teeth into her third sandwich , flicked over a sheet of paper and slotted a cassette into the tape machine .
6 ‘ Hey — come on , ’ he said softly , and smiled at her as he reached over to tear off a sheet of kitchen-towel .
7 His sketching speed was amply illustrated at our meeting : at the request of The Independent photographer for a cartoon to be positioned against a picture of him , within seconds a huge Asterix bounced off a sheet of paper .
8 He passed her and picked up the sheet of paper .
9 He picked up a sheet of parchment from the table , glanced at it , and then raised his eyes .
10 She picked up a sheet of estate agent 's particulars .
11 The wind had dropped completely , but there was still a heavy sea running and each wave sent up a sheet of spray as it crashed against the rocks below .
12 One of the best descriptions of the landscape of Madeira is that given by White and Johnson ( Madeira. : Its Climate and Scenery , 1860 ) : ‘ When Columbus was asked by Queen Isabella to give her some notion of the configuration of Jamaica , it is said that he took up a sheet of paper , and after crushing it in his hand , partly opened it out ; then placing it on the table , he told her Majesty that she would derive a better idea of the island from the crumpled paper than from any description conveyed in words .
13 Picking up a sheet of paper , she casually unfolded it , and then gave an exclamation .
14 Bodie had taken out the sheet of paper with which the waste-bin had been lined .
15 He picked up the envelope and began to take out the sheet of paper inside .
16 Later , Gilly ripped out a sheet of paper through the rings of her notebook , lay down on the bed , and pressing on her maths book wrote :
17 Questioned on the exact role of government in stimulating technological innovation and industrial growth , Roith pulls out a sheet of paper entitled the ‘ DoI 's cocktail ’ .
18 Half-way through the interview I reminded him of his claim , pulled out a sheet of paper on which I had written three true statements and three false ones , and putting it face down on the table , invited him to use the pendulum to indicate the correct answers .
19 Estabrook reached into his pocket and pulled out a sheet of paper .
20 He drew out a sheet of paper , unfolded it on the bar and leaned back as Wickham and Marshall read the note and signature .
21 Hattie opened her writing-case , took out a sheet of paper and her pen , then sat gazing wistfully out of the window over Parker 's piece while she wondered whether or not to co-operate with Edwin 's stratagem that this must appear a chance visit .
22 Pietro Miletti opened his briefcase and took out a sheet of paper which he offered to the magistrate .
23 Quickly she banished the memory , but as she was about to declare she thought he had a sauce , he had opened the folder that lay on the desk and , taking out a sheet of paper , inspected it through the lenses .
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