Example sentences of "[vb -s] an [adj] lot [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Remarkably simple yet it still needs an awful lot of erm individ er people teams of people back at head office backing you know know what I mean .
2 → I would add to N B Cherry 's letter by saying that of course modern guitar design owes an awful lot to the pioneer designs of the ‘ 40s and '50s in very much the same sort of way that the modern motor car owes a great deal to its predecessors — that is to say , four wheels , petrol driven internal combustion engine etc. , etc. , you get my drift .
3 I feel , rather than see , Moira suddenly remembering that she has an awful lot of things to do somewhere else .
4 Well because the labour in say this country is over productive , this has an awful lot of categories attached to each unit of labour , that 's why labour is very productive , is that you for each unit of labour employed there might be ten units of capital , I E there are chemicals etcetera , the reason why erm this this pressure on the land in say Africa , Africa , even though the density of population was much less and that there 's virtually no capital there , right , so in order to produce the food , you know the labour has to till the soil by hand and spread the seed by hand
5 Hang on lets get , in terms of Stella , has an awful lot of relatively small trivial changes which she will put through and none of us are going to disagree with .
6 ‘ When You 're A Boy ’ is one of the neatest LPs of the year so far and , it must be said , causes an awful lot of Bangles products to look like Barbie with a Rickenbacker .
7 It increases the mortality of pigs and causes an awful lot of problems for anyone in the pig industry . ’
8 It increases the mortality of pigs and causes an awful lot of problems for anyone in the pig industry . ’
9 And obviously it reaches an awful lot of people , because Community Centres cater for all ages .
10 Two hundred points buys an awful lot of Goblins !
11 A child takes an awful lot of work , and I 'd want to make sure I was through the bulk of my career stuff .
12 When Willie Ofahengaue gets going he takes an awful lot of stopping , so the Baa-Baas need to prevent him getting into top gear .
13 Almost the whole problem of writing poetry is to bring it back to what you really feel , and that takes an awful lot of manoeuvring .
14 That er when you get these these er er reputations or whatever it is , it takes an awful lot of living down .
15 Now what we do erm and this takes an awful lot of workload from the sales consultant .
16 It takes an awful lot of the different kind of practical experience .
17 I got ‘ A ’ on her own and I told her and she said that she now understands an awful lot of things .
18 They 've taken away the master computer file and charged him with , well , we do n't know exactly what but it involves an awful lot of money .
19 Is Jobson really 30 years old ? 2 million quid seems an awful lot of money for a 30 year old , although I would like to see us buy a really top class centre back .
20 . Erm , it seems an awful lot of money , eighty thousand pounds , er erm I just wondered how much of that sort of money
21 But that six Rose , I 'm not criticising , well I am criticising , to me that seems an awful lot of money .
22 There 's mi minus four people coming to the party tonight , they 're all crackers , okay but it works , it 's very useful it solves an awful lot of problems like you know getting rockets to the moon and things like that that we could n't do otherwise .
23 You could use floppy disks , but a current maximum of 1.44Mb per disk means an awful lot of disk shuffling .
24 ‘ That young lady means an awful lot to me . ’ ’
25 One learns an awful lot about chocolates .
26 saves an awful lot of time with us .
27 He is the embodiment of a restaurateur 's nightmare , someone who behaves grotesquely yet spends an awful lot of money .
28 It leaves an awful lot of scope for those who think that piecemeal agreements can resolve our wishes to be able to paddle in Britain as we can abroad .
30 I expect that makes an awful lot of smoke . ’
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