Example sentences of "[vb -s] at [art] [adj] level " in BNC.

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1 The incumbent 's output starts at a high level and gradually declines , whilst the entrants ' output starts low and gradually increases the more it discovers about the market .
2 As Cixous suggests , the mode of knowledge as a politics of arrogation pivots at a theoretical level on the dialectic of the same and the other .
3 Each element of a hierarchy occurs at a particular level .
4 Yet it is this policy making , often particularly that which occurs at the highest level , that receives very much more attention .
5 The assumption is that there is only one possible explanation of our saying this : namely , that we believe that the man 's utterance is the result of encoding something that exists at a pre-linguistic level , namely a thought , and that in the case of the parrot there is nothing at this level .
6 According to Andrews , Ontos DB — described as a component object database environment — resides at a higher level than persistent languages such as C++ and SmallTalk or databases that are simply collections of objects that use C++ topologies rather than SQL .
7 There is an alternative route which is longer and involves slightly more climbing , but it stays at a lower level , never rising higher than 1,600ft .
8 The passages , with their oak panelling and thick woollen carpets are dark and gloomy ; so is the Jacobean staircase which divides at the upper level , making it easy to lose one 's way .
9 Therefore the simple conflict between accumulation and unproductive consumption which appears at the micro level may be transformed into its opposite at the macro level .
10 A group is a lesser thing than a team , which performs at a higher level of cohesion than a mere group needs to ( see Teams on page 161 ) .
11 The work of Freud , and subsequent psychoanalysts , has indicated that when the pain of unexpressed feelings is not recognized or acknowledged , the subconscious mind ensures that such recognition never re-emerges at a conscious level , but it can nevertheless be a major subconscious influence on the social performance of the individual .
12 As I 've said the Policy Committee guideline was that we should set a budget within the range seventy two million to seventy three point three million , which means at the lower level , if you go for the lower level er to which says for ninety four five about almost exactly a million pounds .
13 During the subsequent weeks the haematocrit usually stabilises at a low level , but only at the expense of a two- to three-fold compensatory expansion of erythropoiesis .
14 In all three areas , the University of Edinburgh operates at an international level , transferring skills and technology to companies and organisations world-wide .
15 Moreover , this skilled incompetence not only operates at the individual level , it permeates the entire organisational culture as well .
16 ( j , j' ) when expression of Krox-20 begins to be downregulated in r5 , but remains at a high level in r3. ov , Otic vesicle ; r3 , r5 rhombomeres 3 and 5 .
17 Government policy in the 1980s has been to oppose any increase in the country 's dollar debt , which remains at the manageable level of $5.5 million .
18 Police harassment and brutality towards the Black community in Tottenham continues at a shameful level .
19 A side road leaves here and climbs steeply to Dent Station , four long miles from the town it was intended to serve , and continues at a high level before descending to Garsdale Head .
20 Capital expenditure continues at a high level , amounting to £54.9 million which compares with depreciation of £31.2 million .
21 Certainly it will be disappointing if the number of deaths due to paracetamol overdosage continues at the current level , but it would be wise to recognise that in 1990 in England and Wales there were a further 1593 deaths due to overdosage of medicines other than paracetamol and that the prevention of such deaths should receive at least equal attention .
22 Again , if the speaker 's lowest pitch is reached before the end of the tail , the pitch continues at the bottom level .
23 But to allow you to get a bonus point , if he continues at the same level , will we require further annualising from him .
24 Unlike offices , the level of income fluctuates although sometimes over a longer period it fluctuates at a higher level than commercial .
25 This he does at the highest level in the HERMS file structure , defining boxes in the work file for sub-teams to work within and inputting technical details as text in the technical file ; this latter entry could be considerable .
26 The difference between these tax bases arises at the practical level in that some things are more easily measured as a stock than as a flow , for example the value of a painting .
27 Midway , a loop road branches from the A683 and runs at a higher level before rejoining it two and a half miles further on .
28 An advantage of this slender branch byway , which runs at a higher level than the main road , is the splendid panorama it affords of the encircling hills : across the valley the distant double-topped Frostrow merges in the long whaleback skyline of Rise Hill ; at the head is Great Knoutberry Hill carrying the railway ; rising to the left are the lower slopes of Whernside , succeeded by Great Coum beyond the gap of Deepdale , and finally Middleton Fell closes the horizon .
29 The problem begins at a conceptual level with the initial division between master and slave as such , as if relations of power work according to the binary opposition of Hegel 's fight to the death between two individuals .
30 In fact , it is so proud that it now boasts at a European level of the cheap U K labour costs and the lack of workers ' rights .
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