Example sentences of "[vb -s] on the [adj] side " in BNC.

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1 There is no danger of too many coaches spoiling the broth as far as the Hong Kong RFU is concerned though : Simpkin will have all the power he needs on the playing side .
2 At that time the square was bigger , with the palazzo standing at its centre , and the northern limit being the Palazzo Giureconsulti which now stands on the far side of Via Mercanti .
3 That is why the man with binoculars stands on the opposite side of the road .
4 ‘ Always looks on the dark side .
5 MISERY GUTS Rod Mackay never looks on the bright side of life he does n't believe there is one !
6 But Rainbow lives on the wrong side of the big white screen , and is a child of her time : she does n't just look before she leaps , but holds a seminar on the pros and cons .
7 Ostland lies on the far side of the Middle Mountains and a great part of it is occupied by the Forest of Shadows .
8 I shall now go some of the way up this valley , as far as the Col du Tourmalet at the end of it — what lies on the far side of the col must wait for the section of this chapter on the valley of the Adour .
9 Freud was right , Maud thought , vigorously rubbing her white legs , desire lies on the other side of repugnance .
10 He had broken through the terror barrier , perhaps , and was in the dead calm state of mind that lies on the other side .
11 Mesquite lies on the other side of miles and miles of rising desert temper .
12 Individualizing traits are the girl 's witty use of " " fayllard " " , meaning both " unsuccessful " ( with her ) and " good-for-nothing " ( generally ) and her vulgar but effective way of telling the clerk his place lies on the other side of the door to her .
13 ‘ and we should die of that roar which lies on the other side of silence ’
14 Stitching pains and lies on the painful side
15 Stitching pains ( like Kali carb. ) and lies on the painful side ( unlike Belladonna or Kali carb . ) ;
16 The reservoir is a grim and comfortless place , flanked to north and west by the exceedingly severe Pic de Néouvielle and Pic Long — the Pic Long , 10,480 feet high , being the highest summit the entirety of which lies on the French side of the frontier .
17 This figure lies on the high side of our initial estimate but two factors must be borne in mind .
18 The ‘ Land of Milk and Honey ’ shimmers on the far side of the Dead Sea , when seen from Mount Nebo ; from ‘ the Place of Sacrifice ’ in Petra , the white tomb of Aaron is a gazelle 's leap away .
19 Roll over and repeat both exercises on the other side : Hip and Thigh Extender x 15 ; Front Thigh Stretch x 5
20 The promontory itself dissolves on the seaward side into rocks and inlets , including the delightful cove of the Plage du Port-Vieux , a sheltered bathing place recommended ‘ for persons who are weakly or unaccustomed to the sea ’ as my old Baedeker considerately puts it .
21 Although European railway executives see British rail traffic as important , it is quite clear that it is not crucial to plans for the development of a European network which will proceed whatever happens on the other side of the Channel .
22 But D Dave , Dave , Dave could not handle , in B E S , what he handles on the civil side .
23 The deception , if deception it was , errs on the right side .
24 There could be no quicker way than this to appreciate how different things are climatically on the two sides of the mountains , because not only do you exchange cold cloud for sunshine but also the lush greenery of the high valleys to the north for the grass less , stony and , in summer , almost waterless river valley which leads on the Spanish side down to the small town of Bielsa ( a little trippery , inevitably , but a place of some character ) .
25 The subjective estimate could be based on pure hunch and guesswork at the end of period t - 1 , but in order to introduce a degree of empirical testability into the model it is normally assumed that is arrived at by some policy rule which includes on the right-hand side only those variables whose magnitudes are known at the end of the period t - 1 .
26 But better still is the delightful Gothic cloister which opens on the southern side of the nave , an asylum all the more praiseworthy for opening on the far side on to the street , and with an admirable fig tree standing in one corner to remind you that , northern Gothic or no , you are in the south .
27 But woe betide the culprit who trespasses on the wrong side of 50 .
28 A 350,000-tonne ULCC drawing 73 feet would have to beware of shoals and submerged ironmongery such as pipelines and wrecks on the Arabian side .
29 That is how Captain James T Kirk of the USS Enterprise first sees each week 's new adversary ; it is by flat-panel TV that Winston Smith keeps on the right side of Big Brother .
30 Michael Doohan keeps on the right side of the law , though few cops would dare book the nation 's new two-wheel hero
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