Example sentences of "[vb -s] a central [noun sg] in " in BNC.

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1 This theory of the Asiatic mode of production is complicated and subtle ; it is hardly elaborated in Formen but it is fascinating in that it foreshadows a central concept in Capital .
2 Unfortunately , the very fact that poetry has a central role in Soviet life means that much of it is conservative in form and predictable in content .
3 It is clear that SCOTVEC has a central role in helping to meet these needs .
4 He believes that the home has a central role in people 's consciousness , and specifically in their sense of ‘ ontological security ’ .
5 Photography has a central place in the Earth Mysteries field by virtue of Watkins ' status as a Gold Medal list of the Royal Photographic Society .
6 It therefore has a central place in the development of psychoanalytic theory .
7 It has a central place in biology and interconnects with many disciplines , such as biochemistry , molecular biology , microbiology , botany and zoology .
8 This theme holds a central place in the discussions and analyses of all work undertaken both in College and in schools .
9 To return to football hooliganism in Britain itself , it is clear that the existence of ‘ ends ’ at football grounds all over the country plays a central part in maintaining working-class boys ' street-based culture .
10 They conjecture that literacy plays a central part in this process .
11 Lang 's three-system model of anxiety plays a central part in both our assessment and treatment programme .
12 In agreement with several other complementary therapies , they consider that the spine plays a central role in the link between mental and bodily states .
13 These authors argue that in the ‘ brideservice societies ’ , a category encompassing the relatively egalitarian hunting and gathering peoples and those that have a mixed economy of hunting , gathering , small-scale horticulture , the association of sexuality and violence , which is but a particular type of sexual oppression , plays a central role in all political and much social action .
14 As described earlier , InsP 3 plays a central role in driving this oscillatory activity and the wave-like spread of each spike may facilitate the transfer of a calcium signal to the nucleus .
15 Catastrophic thinking , both in the misinterpretation of bodily symptoms and the anticipation of disaster , plays a central role in the development and exacerbation of anxiety symptoms .
16 Another example is the City Panel on Takeovers and Mergers ( which was set up informally , but as a result of prompting from central government , by major City financial institutions ) ; it plays a central role in the regulation of company mergers and takeovers .
17 As we noted earlier , explanation plays a central role in education .
18 Prevention also plays a central role in traditional medicine with many different practices and prohibitions being part of people 's daily life .
19 ‘ The catering industry is unique in the challenges it offers young people and every effort must be made to ensure that it plays a central role in careers advice , ’ he said .
20 Improvisation and expression as well as musical accompaniment of the exercises plays a central role in the training programme of the Medau-Schule .
21 Secondly data structures are already beginning to come apart from use structures and GIS plays a central role in this .
22 There is no doubt in de Man 's mind that the image plays a central role in Proust 's thematic opposition , but when one follows " Proust 's own injunction " to submit the image to the " test of truth " , the function of the image is subverted : " statements or strategies that tended to remain unnoticed become apparent and undo what the figure seemed to have accomplished " .
23 We feel it to be important to dedicate an appeal like this , as the house is more than just bricks and mortar ; it takes a central place in the history of Simon .
24 By insisting on the arbitrariness and narrowness of gender roles , and that they are socially ascribed rather than naturally given , Orton expresses a central motif in the sexual politics of that time .
25 It certainly identifies a central tendency in a particular repertory ; but it goes on not only to consume that repertory in every aspect but also to gobble up all kinds of popular music .
26 The hotel enjoys a central position in Alba Adriatica at the end of the promenade and is therefore convenient for the small shopping area , only a few minutes walk from the sandy beach with changing cabins .
27 The Prado ‘ Virgin and Saints ’ , the Kelvingrove ‘ Woman taken in Adultery ’ and the ‘ Concert Champetre ’ made up a coherent early Titian , and their juxtaposition with the Antwerp ‘ Jacopo Pesaro presented to St Peter ’ — so often , as here , dated c. 1506 — eliminates a central confusion in the reconstruction of his early work , for it must be post-1511 .
28 How to please everybody remains a central motif in many women 's lives and the source of quite powerful feelings of oppression .
29 Whereas removal of prostaglandin dependent mucosal defence mechanisms remains a central mechanism in the development of gastric mucosal injury related to NSAIDs , this could be enhanced by increased synthesis of leukotriene , as LTB 4 attracts and activates polymorphonuclear leucocytes and peptidoleukotrienes are potent vasoconstrictors capable of increasing vascular permeability and causing microcirculatory stasis .
30 It is because values can be most effectively defined and expressed in words that the study of literature claims a central place in humane studies .
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