Example sentences of "[vb -s] a major [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Each committee covers a major section of work within a geographical area , linked to the activities of a broad management function , for example ‘ transport ’ ( i.e. train crew , stations , signalboxes , etc. ) , ‘ works and installations ’ ( i.e. permanent way activities ) , offices and workshops .
2 The fire and safety project represents a substantial order and is for a new installation on the Umm-Shaif development , whilst the second incorporates a major element of fire protection systems for retrofit of an existing installation , the Zakum Central Super Complex .
3 The sooner that that road undergoes a major programme of improvement , with it possibly increased to motorway status , the better .
4 For instance , if the author wants one tangential paragraph about the relationship between ‘ microtext and ‘ Vannevar Bush ’ but wants a major section about ‘ Vannevar Bush ’ connected to ‘ macrotext ’ , then the ‘ microtext ’ to ‘ Vannevar Bush ’ link would be marked as a ‘ dead-end ’ .
5 It contains a major element of truth , even if it is not precisely the truth which its originators intended .
6 London has a major problem in finding room to dispose of all its rubbish .
7 In this book , Leonie Archer looks at the effects of this in the Judaism of antiquity , where blood has a major significance in ritual both in the sacrifices in the Temple and in the shedding of blood in circumcision — the ‘ Covenant ’ between God and his people .
8 Digital , the world 's second-biggest computer company , has a major presence in Livingston and a microchip unit at South Queensferry which supplies the Alpha chip for the hard-ware assembled at Ayr and Galway .
9 He said : ‘ Fortex already has a major presence in the UK through Towers and Co , which is the company 's official importer of chilled and frozen lamb into the UK .
10 Pearson , which has a major stake in BSkyB , gained 4p to 451p while Granada , another substantial investor , put on a penny to 408p .
11 Rotterdam has a major rôle in export refining and supply of products .
12 The company reckons it has a major advantage over its competitors because it does not have to develop a new product for each market — it simply adds a local user interface , which also cuts down on development and maintenance costs .
13 A public company has a major advantage over a private company in that only public companies are able to offer shares to the public at large , and where possible to be quoted on the Stock Exchange .
14 In operational day-to-day terms the Bank of England has a major influence on three major markets , the sterling money market , the foreign exchange market , and the gilt-edged market .
15 In some of these cases the company may be the market leader , that is to say it has the largest single share of the market and because of this has a major influence on market prices and product design .
16 The international system not only has a major division between communist and capitalist states but also deeper cultural divisions between what are usually termed the First and Third worlds .
17 The company has a major share of the broiler feed market in the SE region thanks to the commitment of the regional poultry team who ensure their customers needs are met as economically as possible .
18 INDONESIA Through its interest in the Sanga Sanga PSC. , LASMO has a major position in the growing Pacific rim LNG market .
19 I am particularly pleased to see present my hon. Friend the Member for Windsor and Maidenhead ( Sir A. Glyn ) , who obviously has a major interest in this matter .
20 There is no doubt that the efficient way to plan projects is to take them in order of priority — the marketing function has a major interest in priority setting — and allocate to each in turn the maximum amount of resources it can usefully employ .
21 Their mother has a major task in keeping track of them all .
22 Security from the membership of a large group which has a major commitment to the growth of Name ;
23 This means that migration now has a major impact on population change , even though Ravenstein 's first law is still seen to hold , since Brant ( 1984 ) has shown that of the 9 per cent of people who moved between 1980 and 1981 , a massive 70 per cent moved less than six miles .
24 The past year has seen considerable activity within the profession , which in turn has a major impact on the public we serve .
25 We have just noted that new technology has a major impact at work in accelerating the shift from manufacturing into services , in reducing the amount of routine work , and in job displacement .
26 Adequate supply of vitamin A , either through supplementation or adequate diet , has a major role in preventing morbidity and mortality in children in developing countries .
27 The differences found between them may throw light on certain rarely remarked properties of the object which suggest that it has a major role in the development of cognitive abilities and the ways in which the world is perceived , understood and lived in .
28 The Bank has a major role in the foreign exchange market as it is responsible for carrying out government policy with regard to the exchange rate .
29 The critique of scientific socialism and economism has a major place in Marxist debate in the twentieth century .
30 Dating from the 14th century , the house still retains its original great hall , chapel and crypt and has a major exhibition on conservation .
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