Example sentences of "[vb -s] be suggested that [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 For though it has been suggested that Minton 's attendance at Lehmann 's soirées was in part determined by his hope of work , he would also have been stimulated by the company he met .
2 It has been suggested that Lord Castlehaven 's case is authority for the proposition that a man can be liable for rape of his wife But Castlehaven was indicted as praesens , auxilians and confortans for holding his wife down to facilitate her rape by ‘ one of his minions . ’
3 East Anglian independence survived long enough for coins to be minted for Aethelberht , king of the East Angles , and it has been suggested that Offa 's East Anglian coinage may not have begun much before c .
4 It has been suggested that Britain is being ‘ flooded ’ with refugees .
5 Though it has been suggested that Cynddylan may have been among Penda 's British allies at the Winwaed , there is no direct evidence for this , but when Penda attacked Oswiu in the mid-650s he is said to have been supported by British kings ( HB ch. 64 ) , principal among whom was Cadafael ap Cynfedw , king of Gwynedd ( HB ch. 65 ) .
6 It has been suggested that Harry 's guilt at apparently murdering his wife is a reflection of Eliot 's own feelings after separating from Vivien .
7 It has been suggested that Jesus did not mean ‘ dogs ’ in the sense of an insult but household dogs who are the family friends .
8 It has been suggested that Jesus rode into Jerusalem at the time of the Feast of Dedication , which came just before the Passover .
9 It has been suggested that Melbourne 's Government shelved the scheme through lack of money .
10 IT has been suggested that Hox genes play an important part in the patterning of limbs , vertebrae and craniofacial structures by providing an ordered molecular system of positional values , termed the Hox code .
11 It has been suggested that Theodore 's works were translated and brought to Ireland by no less a figure that Saint Columban .
12 It has been suggested that Truman was influenced more by a determination to warn the Soviet Union and to compel cooperation in eastern Europe rather than to procure Japanese surrender in itself .
13 It has been suggested that Bede , in order to synchronize diverse chronological tradition , ‘ considered the whole year of the Incarnation , in which a king died , as his last year and reckoned the next year of the Incarnation as the first of his successor ’ , so that if , for example , Oswiu died in 670 , the whole of 671 was Ecgfrith 's first year for Bede and the whole of 685 his fifteenth .
14 It has been suggested that Penda 's political power was in eclipse at the time and that Eowa was the dominant ruler among the Mercians as a subject king of the northern Angles from the mid-630s until his death , possibly in Oswald 's army , in the battle at Maserfelth , but there is no reason why Penda and Eowa should not have been ruling jointly , with Eowa as king possibly of the northern Mercians and Penda as king of the southern .
15 It has been suggested that Biggs does not possess the heart but when so badly cut that he could not be allowed more than one more round he went back out and stopped David Bey .
16 It has been suggested that Moore 's argument , if just , would count against all definition in which an expression s meaning is explained by some more complex expression [ FRANKENA ] .
17 The Dauphin 's interest in delaying the transfer of territory and renunciation of sovereignty is obvious , but it has been suggested that Edward too might have been glad of an excuse to resume the war if he wanted to .
18 It has been suggested that Westminster ratepayers can call for an extraordinary audit into the council 's affairs .
19 It has been suggested that President North intervened in the judicial progress with a plea for clemency on the grounds that Dr Proctor is too essential to the shaky economy of the United States to be executed .
20 It has been suggested that Chaucer had come across and drew upon all of these sources for his Shipman 's Tale .
21 It has been suggested that Crohn 's disease gives rise to a relatively enhanced production of IgG2 compared with IgG1 , but this did not hold true when we compared immunohistochemical data from our present and previous study with controls .
22 Consequently , it has been suggested that Aldfrith did not succeed until after 14 December 685 .
23 It has been suggested that Barratt was " afraid " of him , but the writer feels that having a wary respect , comes nearer the truth !
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