Example sentences of "[was/were] prepared [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 At a concluding public rally , attended by over 250,000 people , he declared that the people were prepared to die for the revolution if the United States invaded the country .
2 Those gaping soldiers were prepared to die for the queen , not because they loved their mother , not because they had been drilled in the ideals of patriotism , but simply because their brains and their jaws were built by genes stamped from the master die carried in the queen herself .
3 At the lower end of the social scale , the dusty rather than the ‘ fit-to-be-dusted ’ classes , people were prepared to encamp at the station for days .
4 Arrangements were made for her to go to a home specialising in care for people who were motivated to look after themselves , and the staff were prepared to cope with the deafness .
5 We 'd gotten to the stage where we were selling out venues like the Hammersmith Odeon and none of us were prepared to return to the club circuit , so we quit while we were ahead .
6 In the fifties it was very run-down and it was possible to buy the glory of a house with a painted ceiling and good stucco if you were prepared to do without the luxury of heating and hot water .
7 They were prepared to sit by the bedsides of sick neighbours to relieve the burden of their families and allow them to save their energy to cope with the farmwork .
8 While the leadership of the IFL was evidently opposed to Mosley , they were prepared to co-operate with the rank and file of his organization .
9 One of the strongest indications of class throughout the world came to be the length of time the travellers were prepared to spend at the station and the quantity of baggage which they had with them when they passed through it .
10 The most accessible way of progress was through education , for most people had very little money and men were prepared to study in the early morning and late at night during a long week 's work — 10 hours a day for five days and five hours on Saturdays .
11 The Maronites were prepared to cooperate with the outside power because they correctly believed that the French wanted a future independent Lebanon which would look to France for protection .
12 The communists in Shanghai were influenced more by nationalism and were prepared to cooperate with the provisional government , nominally presided over by Rhee .
13 As one who joined the Leader of the Opposition in voting against the Single European Act , before the right hon. Gentleman became a Euro-fanatic , may I appeal to my right hon. Friend to warn the voters about the huge dangers to the much-improved labour relations of Britain if they were to vote into power any Government who were prepared to pass over the power to wreck our trade union reforms by majority vote in Brussels ?
14 In return for their help , individual popes were prepared to accede to the political requests of the early Tudor kings , even at the cost of the loss of their plenitude of power .
15 It was clear to the classical writers that there were tens of thousands of workers who were unemployed and who were prepared to work at the going ( real or money ) wage rate .
16 Most said that they had been surprised if not totally taken aback on the news of the merger ; but to various degrees said that they were prepared to work with the new ownership as long as the guarantees of openness and neutrality made by Novell regarding the development of System V.4 were maintained .
17 He was used to working with crews who knew him and who , like his casts , were prepared to work round the clock to achieve the effects he desired .
18 In all , 30 companies contributed ; in addition to the 13 questionnaire replies , nine were prepared to speak on the telephone , of a total of 25 called , and eight were visited and interviewed in more detail .
19 Last night none of the defendants were prepared to speak about the matter .
20 Erm but one of the reasons that , that we got the audience was , was so that they , they obviously the audience were prepared to pay for the fact that
21 the bank were prepared to pay for the business to be purchase only on condition that the home , that the family home was then sold and the proceeds were given straight to the bank , so with that eighty thousand pounds of equity in the property and the purchase fund for the business was about twenty five thousand pounds .
22 A report in El País of Sept. 13 claimed that the ministries concerned had set a ceiling of 100,000 on the numbers of illegal immigrants whom they were prepared to legalize within the current amnesty programme ( which was to close on Dec. 10 ) .
23 He and Shinwell had told the Central Authority at their first meeting in September 1947 that , while general price rises could be ruled out , they were prepared to look at the possibility of controlling demand at peak times by differentially higher prices for peak use or by mechanical load-restricting devices .
24 At least in what other poorer women were telling me , when it came to after work and weekends the men were quite the women were prepared to look after the children and felt it was their role to look after the children while the man was at work ; when the man came back he continued to feel that the woman should look after the children erm for the rest of the time , and the idea of a shared child care arrangement did not operate in at least a number of the families that I talked to and had been one of the causes of the breakdown of the marriage and one of the precipitating factors in the man physically abusing the woman .
25 Although railway-building in North America has been described above as ‘ quintessentially capitalist ’ , in fact railway companies were prepared to build to the West only in return for massive inducements .
26 There was also a great spirit of unity among the workers and , although the statements were coloured with rhetoric , it was emphasized that at Wolverhampton , ‘ The whole of the workers stood firm and were prepared to fight to the bitter end ’ and that at Hull there was ‘ Alarm — fear — despair — a victorious army disarmed and handed over to its enemies . ’
27 Some Franks were prepared to fight under the Roman Paul , just as Childeric 's men had once followed Aegidius according to a rather more legendary story which Gregory of Tours knew , but which Fredegar related at greater length .
28 I was quite sad to hear my right hon. Friend the Minister of Agriculture , Fisheries and Food say that he was prepared to sit in the negotiations for months .
29 Roger was prepared to co-operate with the subsequent regime of Simon of Montfort — in December 1264 he helped to arrange a temporary settlement with the Marcher barons — but he was not one of the bishops suspended from office after the battle of Evesham .
30 At the end of August the Soviet authorities eased restrictions on Japanese visits to family graves on Etorofu , the most militarily sensitive and least accessible of the four islands , and in September the Soviet Foreign Minister Eduard Shevardnadze visited Japan and suggested that his government was prepared to negotiate over the Northern Territories .
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