Example sentences of "[was/were] prepared [verb] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 They were prepared to hit me on the head , were n't they ? ’
2 Normally , having chosen a leader , they were prepared to leave everything to him .
3 Can I come with you ? ’ by people who were keen to see what happened and who were prepared to treat it as a spectator sport .
4 His rule had managed to alienate most of the traditional elites in both town and countryside , and few people were prepared to stir themselves on James 's behalf when the crisis came .
5 That had been rather exciting and they were prepared to recount it at considerable length until Narouz intervened and told them to shut up .
6 His view of the visible church , for example , was much wider than that of even Whitgift , as he appeared to argue that since Christ had died for all , all men and women — including Roman Catholics — were potentially part of the visible church , and as such should be offered the sacrament of the eucharist , if they were prepared to receive it in good faith .
7 Commenting on whether a cake had been promised to Miss Dodd , she said : ‘ We were prepared to give it to her as a donation but she cancelled the order . ’
8 Most negative criticisms of the quality of search work were expressed verbally on home territory to the author ; relatively few clients were prepared to commit themselves to serious discontent on paper , even anonymously .
9 But do you agree that we should put diplomatic pressure that George Bush should , the Europeans should , Douglas Hurd should , and say look guys whatever you do , if it , though were prepared to recognise you as an independent state , do n't take it out on the Russians ?
10 For the most part these arose from the almost heedless manner in which Christians were prepared to identify themselves with the dominant values of secular Roman society .
11 In practically every case the publishers were prepared to supply me with information which was not generally made public .
12 The crisis revealed , however , that the king 's war no longer had the wholehearted support of the community , and more ominously , that some members of the nobility were prepared to associate themselves with the commons ' demands for concessions and reforms .
13 Indeed , many of John 's contemporaries were prepared to regard him as the Messiah .
14 My mother was prepared to back me in anything I wanted to do .
15 He was prepared to swear it on the Book .
16 Anyone who was prepared to submit himself to a debtors ' prison for a token period could apply from The Fleet or the Marshalsea for the help of the Insolvent Debtors Court .
17 He peered across the tavern , watching a group of men busy baiting a relic-seller who claimed he had Aaron 's beard in a sack and was prepared to sell it to them for a few coins .
18 I could hardly follow them on their wanderings unless one or other of them was prepared to take me on her saddle while she stood upright pedalling .
19 This anonymous peasant sensed intuitively the lack of communication between the centre and the grass roots , and was prepared to overcome it through personal effort .
20 From the presence of enlarged joints and marine gastropods on these shelves , he was prepared to attribute them to marine action since the sea has stood at its present level .
21 Henry 's anti-papalism was based on the belief that the pope had wrongfully usurped the spiritual and temporal power which had traditionally belonged to the kings of England , and while he therefore rejected the pope 's claim to jurisdiction in England , he was prepared to regard him as the rightful Bishop of Rome .
22 In plain language it meant that there could be no public loan unless the British Government was prepared to commit itself to severe retrenchment , including a cut of ten per cent in unemployment benefits .
23 Solly was prepared to try it in the days when Napes Needles was still ‘ a rattling good ‘ un ’ and you took photos of your mates with plates in a Thornton-Pickard Folding ruby camera .
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