Example sentences of "[was/were] forced [to-vb] [adv prt] to " in BNC.

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1 The TUC edict was followed on 5 July by action against the Cricklewood sorters — they were laid off by the Post Office management and threatened with the withdrawal of strike pay by the Union of Post Office Workers and as a result were forced to go back to handling Grunwick mail .
2 Local farmers , too , were forced to face up to the unpleasant fact that they could no longer compete with the Poles because of the low cost of Polish labour and the high Reich and Polish tariff barriers .
3 So it was that just seven years after leaving Wales full of dreams of a lucrative new life , Dennis and Joan were forced to fly back to Glamorgan .
4 Barry , assistant manager at Perry 's brasserie in Beaumont Street , was forced to drive back to the bar in his own car and ordered to open the safe .
5 The reigning Commonwealth middleweight champion Stevens was forced to move up to the heavier weight following a knee injury and a prolonged viral infection .
6 The reigning Commonwealth middleweight champion Stevens was forced to move up to the heavier weight following a knee injury and a prolonged viral infection .
7 Some large firms have found it impossible to match competitors ' spending : Jaguar found it could not afford the costs of developing the next generation of engines and models and was forced to sell out to Ford in 1989 for £1.6 billion .
8 In 1682 , he was forced to go back to Ireland and to stay there for 3 years .
9 finally , I was forced to walk over to her — and no self-respecting falconer likes to do this .
10 Afterwards she was forced to walk back to her own barracks on a freezing winter night , naked but for an anorak round her shoulders .
11 She kept trying to tell herself that his was just another face in a long line of faces , but the nearness of him was agonising , and she was forced to face up to a bitter realisation .
12 By the time he had completed his forty-second plate he was forced to face up to his inadequacies as a business man .
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