Example sentences of "[was/were] standing [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Because we were standing outside the Japanese restaurant , I told Chase to go in and order some take-aways for about two o'clock while Martin and I would scout either end of the Place for Bunny 's truck .
2 Mr. Crowther had his offices in an old house farther down the High Street on the other side , and in five minutes he and Sara and Matthew had walked down and were standing outside the big black door of Moorlake House .
3 Three or four people without seats were standing at the far dome car end , including the actress Angelica .
4 Two men were standing at the further end of the clearing shooting at a wand .
5 One was in the cockpit , at the controls ; the other two were standing on the rear platform , firing blasters at random towards the clifftop and overseeing the automatic fire of the hoverspeeder 's cannon .
6 They were standing on the front steps of Crystal Springs House .
7 They were standing on the lower section , with a fire door leading onto a split-level landing .
8 They were standing on the lower landing watching .
9 They were standing on the main staircase , two flights up from the party room .
10 At one wedding the bridegroom and best man were standing on the wrong place , with the best man prompting a tongue-tied groom in a stage whisper .
11 We were standing on the black-veined grey marble stairs of the Twentieth-Century Building .
12 They were standing on the paved area behind the house : all the windows were dark , the garden chairs and the round table abandoned and vulnerable .
13 We were standing in the tiny lobby between the kitchen and the dining room , and she still had the clipboard clasped to her chest .
14 Oh only a couple of weeks , no they were standing in the common room and she knew he was a virgin right and they were still going out and she knew he was a virgin when they first started going out and Rox goes oh so are you a virgin then erm erm James and he goes no and she was still going out with him and she knew that it was n't with her , obviously , and , and Roxy goes oh who was it then and he goes oh just two , two birds I met in erm Portugal and
15 There is little trace left of York 's truly ancient coaching , posting and market inns , while nearly half the pubs which were standing in the 1950s , including some historic gems , have been closed down , converted , or redeveloped into oblivion .
16 Corbett looked back across the galley to where Selkirk and de Craon were standing near the far ship rail .
17 Inside , Mandeville and Southgate were standing near the baptismal font .
18 Two men were standing near the main door .
19 ‘ When I arived he had led his two sisters out and they were standing by the front door .
20 The stench grew worse , making her gag , but it was not until Isabel was standing over the motionless form that she realised why .
21 He was standing over the reeking individual now , peering close to get a look at the face .
22 Chief Inspector Buchanan was standing outside the closed front door .
23 And love was standing outside the local supermarket collecting signatures for the campaign to keep Family Allowance as a separate benefit .
24 Emily was standing beside the stationary Lagonda , holding a bicycle .
25 He was standing beside the raised floorboard , looking into the cavity .
26 Kiku was standing beside the open window .
27 Springfield himself was standing beside the open door of his car , which he had drawn up on the verge opposite the gates , angled so its headlights were bathing them in a pool of bright luminescence .
28 She cast an impatient look at Mitch , who was standing with the same stunned attitude he had adopted when he had seen that the girl was blind .
29 When a number of us here did a study of the 1984 Chesterfield by-election , where Tony Benn was standing for the first time , and asked constituents themselves what they felt about the broadcast coverage , they repeatedly used the word ‘ bias ’ to describe it .
30 AN election candidate was last night accused of abusing democracy after some of the people who signed his nomination papers said they were not told he was standing for the far-Right British National Party .
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