Example sentences of "[was/were] beginning [to-vb] [adv prt] [art] " in BNC.

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1 They were beginning to lay down a sound that would later become synonymous with The Wedding Present , but it missed the energy of what would come later .
2 We knew her and we also knew that she was taking food to a different set of prisoners ; they were beginning to scatter over an increasingly wide area as there was now no hope of an immediate Allied invasion of northern Italy , which was what everyone had hoped for .
3 Yet even in those halcyon days the signs of trouble were there for those with the will to see them : the multi-media and multi-disciplinary avant-gardes were beginning to show up every NEA programme area ; the clamour for the funding of life-styles rather than art as traditionally defined was becoming louder , and the accepted definitions of art and the arts were everywhere coming under attack in grant applications as well as in panels .
4 It was a minute to midnight when Joan and John reached her parents ' house as the bells were beginning to ring out the old year .
5 And then , just as the foyer was beginning to take on a shabby , comfortable look , the lift arrived , an elegant black and gilt box with a sliding door .
6 Life was beginning to take on a familiar shape again .
7 I had put on around a stone during the year and I was beginning to take on the traditional pear shape .
8 It was beginning to take on the aspect of a full-scale expedition , and both women were looking forward to it immensely .
9 From this remark , added to his earlier defence of his right to seclusion , Robbie was beginning to build up a picture of this man .
10 Round the final bend he was still several lengths down but was beginning to claw back the deficit , and at ‘ Le Bullfinch ’ , two fences out , he was second .
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