Example sentences of "[was/were] asked [to-vb] [adv prt] and " in BNC.

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1 Reference to a mediator had resulted in the position where not only was the Bank 's line confirmed , but we were asked to sit down and negotiate , in effect , more competitive scales .
2 When they were asked to turn out and fight on behalf of king or queen and country , some regiments performed much better than others .
3 The prospect would receive , with an impressive newsletter , a little white card which he was asked to fill in and send back .
4 This type of guarantee was in the past commonly created by the manufacturer supplying with the goods a reply paid postcard which the purchaser was asked to fill in and post , thereby accepting its terms .
5 She was acquitted at a trial at Kilmarnock Sheriff Court earlier this month , but the solicitor was asked to come back and explain his actions .
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