Example sentences of "[was/were] brought [adv prt] in [det] " in BNC.

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1 And quite big families were brought up in some of these houses with only two bedrooms .
2 ‘ Well , I was brought up in that orphanage in Dalston , and that 's what they called me there .
3 So we was brought up in that atmosphere .
4 EV Thompson , the initials stand for Ernest Victor if you 're wondering , was brought up in this cottage in Swinbrook during the war .
5 Welcome to Molyneux , Headley , Brian Horton 's with me , the United manager because he was brought up in this part of the world , must be very proud of what you brought up here for the second half Brian , but so disappointed after that first half showing .
6 Then a woman in the street — the Via Monserato , between the Tiber and the Farnese Square , they talked about it so much , Mena and my grandmother , when I was little , I think they talked about it every day : Il Quartiere Papale , it does have a magnificent sound , has n't it ? and so much of it a slum ; the rich live above on the piani nobili , the ground floors and cellars are rented out to artisans ; my mother , who was brought up in those streets , says to know them you must have breathed the air in the evenings when the wine-shops are full and they are lighting charcoal braziers on the pavements ; she says I will go one day , but I think I know already — well , a woman in Mena 's street who sold salad greens knew the cook who worked for Anna and the prince round the corner and Mena was given things to do in the kitchen .
7 She wondered how much longer it would be before Jack was brought in in this sort of state , and how she would feel if he was .
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