Example sentences of "[was/were] difficult [to-vb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 As always , it was difficult to judge the uphill putt over a kind of step .
2 While his loving note helped to sooth her misgivings , it was difficult to control the inner turmoil which had been building up over the months .
3 Then I was going slower to suit his Well the other fella his rope would be dragging on the ground then you know , it was difficult to get the two to cooperate together .
4 Well I think I had more problems when I was making films as a pop singer , because I was still pop singing as well and it was difficult to disassociate the two .
5 For a child who was reliant upon charity it was difficult to escape the determining rules which governed the public understanding of ‘ training up the child to be the man ( for woman ) ’ .
6 The Builder complained that it was difficult to identify the separate sets of drawings and there were also complaints about the lack of light , while some drawings , like Scott 's principal view , were placed so high that they could not be seen properly .
7 He was quoted as saying that without more being known about assessment in history it was difficult to register the true significance of what was being proposed .
8 The discovery was unsettling , for it was commonly accepted that it was difficult to meet the impassive stare of the Kha-Khan elect for more than a few seconds .
9 Perhaps because it was difficult to suggest the grey areas of waiting until Hugh came back .
10 The realisation that it was important to defend democracy , and that it was difficult to dodge the Labour Party , forced many to consider transforming the constitution of the party so that the leadership in Parliament was more accountable to the party outside .
11 It was difficult to keep the flickering candles alight , even , because of the draughts sweeping across the floors , lifting the rugs up as if there was an animal under them .
12 But out here , on the high road , it was difficult to recall the purple and blue shadows and the firelight and the long oak table where they had all taken supper .
13 As it was difficult to convert the square-ended chancel into living accommodation and it was felt important to retain part of the church in its original state , this area was left almost untouched in order to operate as a multi-purpose ‘ community room ’ .
14 It may be hard to imagine a situation in which the onset of old age occurs at later ages than in the past , but a hundred years ago or less it was difficult to imagine the present situation in which old age does not effectively begin until people are in their seventies .
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